Chapter 10- Tobey Maguires Spider-Man Ending

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You weren't sure what to do as you stood in the middle of the cemetery feeling a strange sense of déjà vu. It wasn't snowing anymore, but the sun was now setting instead of rising.

The sky was painted various shades of washed out pinks and oranges as the sun got lower and lower along the horizon. Any trace of the purple rips in the universe were completely gone as you looked down at the gravestones in front of you, reading your families names carved into them.

You looked around the cemetery, only just realising that there was no sign of the Police. But, you weren't stupid. You weren't gone for long and knew they'd be on high look out for you.

You murdered the city's hero after all, they wouldn't stop until they arrested you.

Knowing it was stupid to stay at the cemetery, you spared one last look at your families graves before you walked off. Although, you had no idea where to go because the Police would have someone watching your house in case you came back. So where were you meant to go?

In the end, you found yourself wandering the streets of Queens, the sun now replaced by the moon in the sky above you.

There weren't many people out and about this late, yet somehow, you bumped into the one person you never wanted to see again. Spider-Man. But, that was impossible. The Spider-Man in your universe was dead, you killed him. How was he alive?

"Y/N?" He asked in confusion, jumping down from his web and landing a few metres in front of you.

"How are you alive?" You questioned, instantly drawing your handgun and aiming it at him.


That was all he said as he stood there staring right back at you, clearly as confused as you were.

"I killed you. You're dead. You're meant to be dead. How are you alive?" You repeated, venom in your voice as you took a step forward.

"What-what are you talking about?"

"I fucking killed you!" You shouted, angry tears rising in your eyes.

"Y/N, just relax and put the gun down. I don't know how you're here or what happened, but just put the gun down." He said gently, raising his hands to show he meant no harm, but you knew better than that.

"You killed my family! Butchered them right in front of me! Do you not remember any of that?"

"Oh." Spider-Man gasped before he quickly reached for his mask.

"Don't." You warned, flicking the safety off. "I will put so many bullets in you, God won't even recognise you."

"I'm not who you think I am."

Swiftly, he yanked the mask off his head before you had a chance to say anything and a familiar pair of blue eyes locked with yours.

Holy fucking shit.

This couldn't be possible.

"What the hell are you doing here?" You questioned, not lowering your gun just yet.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing. How'd you get into my universe?" Peter asked and suddenly it was all making sense.

This wasn't your universe. No wonder there was no snow or police waiting for you in the cemetery because you got sent to a different universe entirely... apparently Peters universe.

"I'm guessing by the look on your face, you have no idea how you ended up here, do you?" He asked and you just shrugged your shoulders. "Were you really going to shoot me just now?"

"Yes." You answered without hesitation.

Spider-Man had to be dead... the Spider-Man from your universe that was. This Spider-Man from this universe, you weren't so sure.

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