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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8


"Hey, I heard he's back, did you know?"

"Yeah, the faggot came back."

"Now what? Our plan didn't work like how we imagine it, and now that he's back I'm pretty sure they're making a plan getting him back."

"Let's see, I'm sure he's still as gullible as he used to be, it will be easy to use that, again. We made him leave once, it's gonna be easy to do it again. Don't you think so, sisters?"

They look at each other before simultaneously smirking

Life sure is fucked up when bitches loiter around, don't you think so?


Morning soon came, The first rays of sunlight lit the room. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. Looking outside, the rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.

Hinata, already awake, make sure that things are clean and in order. They're leaving today after all.

After making sure the things they don't need anymore are put aside, he notice movements in the bed, meaning one of them is getting ready to wake up.

Hinata walk towards them, he sit at the edge of the bed then leaned down kissing their noses to which they scrunch their faces cutely.

Looking at the time he decided it's time to wake his babies to get them ready for the day. He gently shake each of them until they start to open their big cute eyes one by one.

"Come on Babies, it's time to get up. Mr. Sun is up now, today's the day we're going home."

That got them to sit up right away, they're so ready to go home. Hinata giggle at that then kissed their foreheads, the kids also reciprocated the act by kissing him in the cheek.

"Come on kiddos, let's get you to bath then change your clothes. After the Doctor say we're good to leave, we're saying bye bye."

The kids nodded then started going down the bed one by one with the help of Hinata of course.


Hinata and the kids walked out of the bathroom freshly dressed, that's when the door open revealing 19 tall and handsome men. The room that was enough for Hinata and his children looks so crowded when the said men started to enter.


The kids shouted in glee when they saw all of their fathers in one place for the fist time. Those who didn't know the existence of their children look shocked while those who did merely opened their arms that the children immediately jumped into.

"Daddy you're here again" Kirin was the fist to break the stunned silence with an enthusiastic voice to which earned a chuckle from the man whose holding her.

"Of course, your Daddy is not going anywhere." When he uttered those words as a reply to Kirin, he was looking at the ginger whose just standing there.

It's like a promise, A promise he (they) meant to keep now.

"Really?" When he nodded as a reply, Kirin then let out a happy giggle then hug him in the neck, tightly. "That's great Daddy!" she merrily exclaim.

Kita then walk towards the silent ginger, the latter immediately went stiff when he saw Kita walking towards him. An action they all- excluding the children -noticed.

And it hurt!

Knowing that before, when they would approach the ginger, he would open his arms and embrace them lovingly. Not going stiff with a guarded look like right now.

"We brought breakfast" Kita softly informed Hinata expertly masking his pain look with a soft smile.

Hinata look at Kita's outstretched hand then took the said breakfast, "Thank you" he said smiling gratefully at Kita.

"Your welcome"

While Hinata was preparing the breakfast that the men brought, the children were excitedly talking to their fathers, getting to know them. While the said fathers listened and asked them questions from time to time to know their children more.

It was a fascinating sight for Hinata, it was fascinating how the children weren't uncomfortable in their presence, on the contrary, they were so excited. It was fascinating how the men he knew listened to them attentively and being really interested towards their kids. It was just plain fascinating how they interact like they've known each other for a long time.

He slowly walk towards the them before announcing that breakfast is ready.

The children then walk towards Hinata so that he can feed them, they like being spoiled by their Momma. Hinata then look at the men who are watching them, he tilted his head slightly before asking, "Did you eat breakfast before coming here?"

They shook their heads no

"Come on then, let's eat"


Hinata was busy feeding his Babies when his phone rung, he answered it then put it on speaker so he can continue feeding the children while also talking.


"Good morning Hinata-kun" a cheery voice chirp

"Obaa-san, Good morning to you too"

"I got your text last night, Is Kotaro okay now?"

"Yes, he's not hot anymore. We'll be discharge today, I'm sorry I can't work today, I can't leave them at Kashima. Kamitani is schedule to come back from his game today."

"Well you can just bring them here, I'd love to watch over your little munchkins."

"I know Obaa-san, but we have uh guests? And I promise the children that we'll bake their favorite cookies and cupcakes when Kotaro feel well and for being good."

"Aww that's sweet, Then I take that you'll be back next weekend? Considering what occasion is tommorow, I'm sure you won't work."

"That sounds good Obaa-san, I'm gonna work next weekend. Thank you for understanding Obaa-san."

"Of course, see you next weekend then, Hinata-kun."

"Yes, See you Obaa-san"

After the call ended Hinata continued feeding the children, then he noticed his ex-husbands looking curiously at his phone. Well some of them tried to mask their curiosity but Hinata still knew their expression so well.

"It's the owner of the flower shop I work at in weekends." he softy informed them which they nodded in response.

"You work at a flower shop?" Bokuto ask still feeling curios and he wanted to know more about what the ginger was doing for the past years they're weren't in contact.

"Only in weekend, when it's weekdays I work at the daycare the children goes to so I can work plus I can be with them since I don't have someone to look over at them and I don't want to leave them to strangers. In the weekend I either leave them at Kashima when his all alone, when his husband has games, or I bring them with me since Obaa-san likes them."

The men listened intently at what Hinata said, they all know Hinata to realise that he probably would work his butt off just to give the children a good life by just himself. After all they all knew Hinata passed college with his hardwork only, without the help of others. He would work part-time jobs and balance his studies so his scholarship wouldn't be revoked.

Hinata doesn't like to relay to others ever since his Father left them, since then he would help his mother with the chores, he learn how to take care of his little sister and when he can finally work he helped his mom pay their expenses.

Hinata is what we all call a;

Hard working Person.


𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖'𝕤 𝔼𝕩~𝕙𝕦𝕤𝕓𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤Where stories live. Discover now