ʜɪs ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴛʀᴇᴀsᴜʀᴇs!

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12

"Good morning Okaa-san, Natsu!"

A cheery voice greeted the two grave of the Hinatas and that voice belong to the other alive Hinata.

Shoyo sat down between the two grave then he put the flowers he brought with him.

"It's another year without you here, by my side." Hinata started his voice starting to get quiet and sad, "I wish we never celebrated my graduation, maybe you two would still be here with me, with your grandchildren, your nephews and niece."

Hinata then started remembering that time.

"I wish that the car crashed at my side instead of your side Natsu, I wish I could have shielded you earlier. I wish I was the one that got hurt more than you Okaa-san. I wish it was me."

Then his tears decided that it was the best time to start rolling on Hinata's cheeks. Hinata didn't even bother wiping it away.

"Losing a loved one is arguably the hardest thing most people will go through. The loss of someone special and close to you, be that a friend, partner or family member is devastating. Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained. And I wish I could have more time saying how blessed I am for having both you in my life.

I was delighted when you would find me whenever something was bothering you Natsu, or when you would want attention from me. I was happy having a loving, warm, beautiful, kind and energetic sister like you. I've always adored you from the moment you were born in this world, the moments of me taking care of you, till the day I'll die.

And most of all, I was glad that I got you as my mother Okaa-san. You gave me everything by yourself, when that man left us you stood up for us. You became both the light of our home and the foundation of it. You raised us all alone for those years, suffering from loneliness by yourself, giving us the warmth and time you could possibly gave us. I was blessed to be your son.

I am and will always be glad to be a Hinata, the son of a brave and beautiful mother, the big brother of a cute and cheerful little sister. I am lucky to be someone related to you both.

At this moment, I truly wish that you are here or that I was there, or that we were together somewhere. I love you with all the life I have inside of me, from every tear I shed to every smile I beam. I will forever love you both, my light and my summer."


"Onii-chan look I drew the three of us"

Little Natsu cheerfully exclaimed running towards her big brother with all the might her little chubby feet could gave her.

Seeing her cutely running to him made Shoyo giggle while opening his arms to hold her. Then he look at the poorly drawn stick figures of two ginger heads that represents him and Natsu and a black haired woman also known as their Mother.

"Wow, my little summer drew so cutely, it's very beautiful Natsu."

Natsu beam at her nii-chan's praise, "Really? My teacher said that too. We were asked to draw the people we love and treasure the most. I don't know what treasure meant, but I know what I love is and that is Onii-chan and Okaa-san."

That made Hinata chuckle and felt warm inside at the same time, "Treasure meant someone who is very helpful and valuable to you, they're the people who you keep precious like the things you want to keep because you like them, for example, Mr. Bunny. You keep him with you all the time, right? You always have him with you and when you feel scared you can hug him, you would be sad if he was gone. That's what treasure meant, summer."

Hinata saw that his sister was listening intently to what he was saying, it was cute. She was frowning cutely trying to understand what her nii-chan said before she let out an enthusiastic,

"Then I treasure my Onii-chan and Okaa-san The most!"

Hinata kissed her on the forehead which Natsu gladly accepted, "I too treasure and love, you and Okaa-san The most my cute sister."


"Welcome home Okaa-san!"

Seeing her son at the sofa cradling a sleeping Natsu in his arms and welcoming her home even though it was late made her heart swell with love and warmth.

She walked towards them and hug them both gently and tightly, "I'm home Sunshine!" she gently said not wanting to wake up the sleeping ginger who suddenly mumbled in her slumber a sleepy,

"I treasure my nii-chan and Okaa-san."

"I treasure you too, summer." Akari said kissing the forehead of her youngest then she turn to her oldest, "I treasure you too sunshine."

Hinata smile at his mother, "I treasure you too Okaa-san, our light."


"I will always treasure you both, forever and always!"





Hinata opened his arms, then his babies charge at him smiling so brightly at the sight of their Momma opening his arms towards them.

They hugged their Momma before telling him about their morning.

"Mama, me and Papa Tsukki go to the meseum. There's a lot of Dino there Mama!"

"Me and Papa Yama bought a lot of milk Mama!"

"Mommy, Daddy Bokuto bought me and Kazuma a lot of toys!"

"Daddy Kaashi and Daddy Suga bought Kirin-chan a lot of dresses Mommy!"

Hinata smiled at them, listening go their chatter before asking them, "Did you have fun with your Papas?"

They all nodded their head, this morning their Father picked them up for their fist present.

They all got to go shopping!

They invited Hinata, but he declined saying he needed to go somewhere. And they all accepted it, after all they knew well where the ginger would go to.

"We had a lot of fun Momma!"

"We played at the arcade Momma. Papa Kenma tought us how to play the games!"

"Then Papa Oikawa took as at a photo booth we took a lot of pictures Mommy!"

"Daddy Tsumu, Daddy Toshi, and Daddy Aone took us to the rides Mommy, we rode Mr. Horse!"

They all started firing their excitement again, wanting to tell their Momma that they had a fun time. It made Hinata giggle.

"I see, well your Papas has more surprise for your birthday!"

At Hinata's announcement they all look towards their Papa who are smiling while looking at them.

"Really?!" they all ask excitedly

The men just simultaneously nodded. The children cheered before running to them and then they started hugging them and kissing them on the cheek that is also returned by a hug, kiss on the forehead or a pat on the head.

Looking at them Hinata suddenly thought of something.

His Mother and little Sister may be dead but they have given him memories he won't ever forget. Because when someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. And now he's looking at his children merrily chatting, hugging and talking to his ex-husbands. He can say that he may have lost someone he treasure he was then given some more by the form of a small life that he was blessed with;

His little Treasures.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖'𝕤 𝔼𝕩~𝕙𝕦𝕤𝕓𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤Where stories live. Discover now