Chapter Twenty-Five: Abigail

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When I get up the next day, Calista and Orion are already at school. My first class was canceled today, so I don't have to be in class until noon. I take my time getting dressed, carefully choosing a good "first day as a UHC intern" outfit. I realize it's pointless, since I'll have to change into my uniform as soon as I get there anyway, but I'm too excited to care. I tuck my hair into the neatest bun I can manage, making sure to pin down every rebellious strand.

I settle on a shiny blue button-down top and light wash jeans with some good, sturdy sneakers. I expect to be on my feet today for quite some time.

When I arrive downstairs, I expect to meet our visitors at last, but no one is down here except mom. She hands me a piece of toast as I sit down on the couch with my lab notes. "What happened to our guests?" I wonder out loud.

"They haven't come down yet," she responds.


"I'm sure they're just tired. They had a long day yesterday." More toast pops up and she takes a piece for herself, slathering it with butter and taking a huge bite. "First day of work?" She gestures to my surprisingly put-together outfit.

"Yeah. They said I'll be starting right off in the labs today. Figured I'd dress up for it a little bit."

"Reasonable," she remarks.

Small talk exhausted, we eat our toast in relative silence. Just as I'm getting ready to head out, I hear a bedroom door open upstairs. Before long, two figures are making their way down the stairs.

A boy and a girl appear, both sporting bright, coppery red hair, moderately tall. Their brown eyes are rimmed with red. Have they been crying? I decide not to mention it. It's none of my business.

"Hi, you must be our mysterious visitors. I'm Abigail, but you can call me Bee. Everyone else does." I stick out my hand toward them, and they shake it gingerly.

"I'm Gabe, and this is Gin," the boy responds, his voice scratchy and tired.

Mom offers them some toast, and they accept graciously.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to head to class," I explain, tossing my backpack over my shoulder and running a hand over my hair to make sure it's all still in place.

"Bee is studying Hydroponic Biology at the university, and she just started an internship with Underland Hydroponics Corporation," my mom brags.

I roll my eyes, nudging her with my free shoulder, and head out the door.

I make my way to the tram stop. Part of me secretly hopes I'll run into Terrance again, but I know I won't. He mentioned last night he had to be in early. Nevertheless, I find myself glancing up and down the street the entire time I'm sitting there waiting. When the tram finally arrives, I settle into a seat toward the back so I can watch the street disappear behind us.

I only have one class this afternoon – calculus – after which I'll head straight to the lab. I try my hardest to focus in class, but honestly I've never been that good at math anyway. I figure I'll just go over my notes later tonight after I get home.

After class, I throw my things haphazardly into my bag – I'm usually more careful – and rush out to the tram stop at the front of campus just in time to hop on the back as it's pulling away. Ten minutes later, I get off at UHC.

The sheer size of the building never ceases to amaze me. It takes up most of the center of the city. I march right up to the doors and push my way into the lobby before I realize Terrance never told me where to go. I check my pride and walk up to the receptionist.

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