4. Meet up at the cafe

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Their little moments at the morning train continued on for three weeks in which their paybacks ranged from sticking papers on various body parts, tripping each other, putting tissues on each other's hoods to sticking gums and other childish ways of getting back at each other. Jamie also learned that they only meet on weekdays which she was grateful for since she could ride the train peacefully in those two days of weekends.

Until one Friday afternoon, Jamie was taking orders when the door to the cafe chimed again signaling newcomers. Looking up she was met with an awfully familiar face who stared back at her stunned. After a few moments of staring at each other the shock wore off and they quickly looked away again. 'What the fuck' Was all Jamie could think of as she watched him with other people get inside the cafe and queued up at the counter.

When it was his turn, Jamie called out her most professional self and asked him his order in a friendly tone like a model staff. He didn't seem surprised and instead acted like he didn't know her either. During their stay at the cafe Jamie did her best not to look in their direction until they left. After they left she got dragged to the kitchen by an eager Gwen.

"Was that the guy?" She asked immediately with a smile.

"Yup, the one and only" Jamie sighed and slumped on the couch tiredly.

"He's so cute!" Gwen gushed sitting next to her.

"Then you don't have taste in men"

"Oh come on! He was so cute how can you not be affected being showered by his attention every morning?"

"You think I want his attention?"

"I wish I were you, you get to see him every morning" Gwen moaned mournfully.

"How is he cute? He looks like a donkey" Jamie huffed standing up.

"Come on get back to work" She nudged Gwen in the legs and went back to the cafe, groaning, Gwen followed behind.

"Finally! her majesty has decided to grace us with her presence! You know how bad it is on Fridays but you have the nerve to slack off, lazy bum." Harry said as Gwen walked over to replace him at the counter, muttering the last words but Gwen still heard it.

"Asshole" Gwen muttered back as Harry went back to the kitchen.

Jamie decided to just follow Larry's advice and ignored them, they're all just talk anyways no real fight and it doesn't get in the way of their jobs even though it's sometimes irritating to always hear them bicker at the smallest things.

"Hey Hairy! We've run out of apple pies!" Gwen called out to the kitchen.

"It's Harry! H-A-R-R-Y Harry not Hairy! Don't you know how to pronounce?" Harry emerged from the kitchen holding a tray of fresh from the oven apple pies

"Well Hairy's a better name for you don't you think?" Gwen was eyeing Harry's long curls that sometimes hides his eyes.

Jamie drowned their bickering from her ears and just focused on serving customers, same as always, she's just glad the customers seemed used to it and the newcomers aren't paying them any attention too.

The next Monday in the train nothing happened, which was a real miracle but Jamie thought it's quite understandable when she saw him that morning. He had bags under his eyes and he didn't look like he slept at all, his clothes are a little messy too and with his slow pace when he walked into the train he looked like a zombie. He fell asleep almost immediately when he plopped down and stayed deep in sleep throughout the whole ride.

They're at their station already and Jamie was debating whether or not to wake him up as he's still asleep on his seat and the doors are already opening. She's still annoyed by the glue in her hair the other day that was more difficult than usual to take off but she has a conscience and she knows how troublesome it is to miss your station and the guy looks like he's had enough trouble to deal with. So with determined steps she got in front of him and shook his shoulder, nothing, she tried to shake him harder this time and he just stirred a little, she shook him harder and called out.

"Hey! Wake up!" That seems to finally work as he jumped at the loud voice and opened his eyes.

"Wha-what?" He asked confused, still groggy with insufficient sleep as he tried to sit up straight.

"The doors are going to close if you continue to daze around there" Jamie answered as she went out the train doors.

"Oh shit!" He jumped out of his seat, swung his bag over his shoulder and ran out passing Jamie by as he ran out the station. 'Seems like he's in trouble' Jamie thought as she looked at his back, this is the first time since she met him that no childish payback happened and Jamie feels a bit weird walking to the cafe peacefully without the usual irritation at whatever is his payback at that morning.

"Ooh seems like your relationship have finally gotten better!" Gwen commented as soon as Jamie walked calmly in the cafe without sticky notes, tissues, gums, or glues anywhere.

"I'm not so sure about that, he was just in a hurry this morning to do anything"

"Aww seems like you two are drifting away from each other now" Gwen rested her face on both her hands on the counter top with a mournful look.

"And I was rooting for the two of you too" Gwen added sadly looking at Jamie.

"What are you, cupid?" Harry passed the counter holding his mop and began mopping the floor.

"And what if I am? Why, do you want to be paired with someone too? I'm afraid girls that likes guys like you are out of stock" Gwen responded with a pitying smile.

With a resigned sigh Jamie went to the kitchen ignoring the two's bickering.

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