Meeting the Guardians Part 2

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(Your P.O.V.)
   After getting tossed out of a sack you slowly look up to see a legend from your childhood the actual Santa Clause. Honestly trying to not freak out about the fact you were practically kidnapped in the middle of the night, by what you think is a yeti or Bigfoot. Along with what whom you can assume are the Tooth Fairy, Sandman, and the Easter Bunny.

(Jack's P.O.V.)
   After me and (F/N) get dumped out of the sack I noticed immediately we were at the North Pole with North, Sandy, Tooth, and of course the Easter Kangaroo. North approched me "Ah, there he is Jack Frost." All I could say was "Woah.. You gotta be kidding me?" Suddenly me and (F/N) are pick up by the yeti's. "Hey ,hey,Put me down."
North approched me and asked "Hoped the yeti's treated you well." Oh yea me and (F/N) love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal." North saying "Oh,good that was my idea. You know bunny obviously." Of course I replied with "Obviously." Then he introduced the Tooth Fairy along with sandman. But they all pause looking behind me, seeing (F/N).

(3rd P.O.V.)
   You noticed that everyone stopped talking and were looking at you. So you walk over and spoke to everyone "Hello I'm (F/N) (L/N) it's nice to meet you all." Let's say for the most part they're surprised you can see them at all considering you were older than most believers. That is until Tooth comes over and begins inspecting your teeth, as well and meeting Bunny, Sandy, and North. In the end they asked you to follow them since you were here.

After the introductions were made Jack suddenly broke back in the conversation asking "Hey, Woah anyone wanna tell me why I'm here?". Sandy gladly raised his hand and started flashing symbols that neither of you could make out. Jack got up and said "That's not really helping but thanks little man. I must of done something really bad to get you four together. Am I on the naughty list?". North laughs pointing at Jack saying " Ha, on Naughty list you hold record." Jack continues walking around with the others following him. North continues his speech saying "But no matter we over look, but now we are wiping clean the slate." Jack slowly circles them asking "Okay. How come?" To which Bunny sarcastically chimes in with "Huh, good question?"

North approched Jack say "How come? I'll tell you how come. Because now you Guardian. Which is when they started play loud music and putting on a performance you found to be a little silly. Which you noticed this whole thing was starting to get on Jack's nerves. He slammed his staff to the floor asking the others "What makes you think I wanna be a Guardian?" To which North replied with a hearty laugh saying "Of course you do. Music!" Then Jack saying "No music". Which went on until the little elf threw his trumpet down and walk off.

   After a moment Jack spoke to them saying " You don't want me, you're all hardworking and deadlines. Where I'm snowballs and fun times. I'm not a Guardian" As Bunny chimed in again saying "That's exactly what I said". Tooth flew over to him saying "Jack, I don't think you understand what it is we do. Each of these lights is a child.". "A child who believes, good or bad, naughty or nice we protect them." said North. After Tooth was done poking around in Jack's mouth North stated "Okay no more wishy washy Pitch is out there doing who knows what.
Which the other didn't notice but that name caught your attention rather quickly. So you started listening in a little more closely. Jack and North started arguing with Jack telling them to pick someone else.

   North replied with "Pick, Pick you think we pick,you were chosen like we were all chosen by Man in Moon." To which you and Jack gazed at the moon, as you gazed deeply into the mesmerizing gentle bright glow you heard a voice whisper to you. You sake your head slightly thinking it was just the wind. Of course not before a certain Bunny noticed it. As the conversation continued you could tell it was confusing Jack even more than before he grabbed your hand to leave telling them and Man in Moon "Oh no that's not for me. No offense." Bunny steps forward saying "How is that not offensive.  I'll tell you what we dodged a a bullet with this one. What does this clown know about bringing joy to children". To which Jack came back with "You ever hear of a snow day I know it's no hard boiled egg but kids like what I do." Then Bunny jumped right back with "But none of em believe in you. Do they mate, you see you're invisible mate. It's like you don't even exist.

  (Your P.O.V.)
  You walked over and did something some would find crazy you slapped the Easter Bunny and started telling him off. Stating "Look I don't care who you are because he has a believer now and she's standing right here and I won't let you talk horribly about my friend like that.

  (Jack's P.O.V.)
  I actually was about to snap at Bunny until (F/N) slapped him standing up for me. I'm not sure why but my face got red thinking about it. It was nice of her to stand up for me especially since no one else seemed to want to. I'm glad to have her as my friend and first believer. Hopefully she'll stick by me no matter what as he felt his heart jump in his chest slightly.

  (Bunny's P.O.V.)
  I was in the middle of telling the bloody show pony off when the sheila came and slapped me across the face I was definitely stunned for a second. I'll admit she's got some fire. And I think we got off on a wrong foot I'll have to fix it later.

  (3rd P.O.V.)
  After things had settled North and Jack went for a walk. While you stayed with the others getting to know them more however Tooth was quite busy. Sandy had fallen asleep again. Which only left you with Bunny, which you were still upset with over about what he said about Jack. You noticed something is wrong when the fairies started going crazy dragging Tooth away to which lead to Bunny picking you up and running with you while Sandy flies up.
Reaching North and Jack, Bunny carefully sets you down telling North " We have a problem mate, trouble at the Tooth Palace."


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