A Missing General

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'My Queen'

Helena turned, the only male who dared to call her that was none other than her most trusted military advisor; Crozat. She had been inspecting the construction of her new castle atop the rocky cliffs of Tallur that overlooked the sea, having grown tired of the mansion she now inhabited. It had been a month since they settled back at Tallur and he was happy to see her resume her dealings with the locals as though she never left.

'I am afraid I come bearing ill news, your majesty. Word of my father's near brush with death has reached me. He did not take to it well; thus, my family has implored me to make haste in returning to his side before he leaves this realm'

She blinked in surprise, the general never took a day's absence, and though it shamed her to admit; Helena always thought her general had no living kin.

'But of course! Take as many days as you need, go, make haste! Fear not for I shall take care of official affairs, General.'

She heard his footsteps retreat, though it seemed as though his steps halted before the door to the study. It was unlike him to hesitate, she thought as she turned to face him. His back to her, hand to the door handle, he seemed to be enveloped in thought.

'Is something the matter?'

Crozat snapped back to attention at the sound of her voice. Shaking his head, let himself out. The thud of his boots could be heard all the way down the corridor to the study. She fought the nagging suspicion forming in her mind, ruling off his hesitation as nerves from not seeing his family in at least three to four years. She would feel the same, she reasoned as she went about her work for the day. James was to temporarily take over command of the armies in the general's absence; though she had not worked with him directly, she gave him the benefit of the doubt. The successful takeover of Vorien was largely due to him finding the lost tunnel, after all.

Lost in the day's proceedings, Helena was unable to see Crozat off, though she wished him a safe journey. She had every intention of visiting his family now that the opportunity arose; she had much to thank them for. As the evening became night, Helena found herself in Annie's chambers. The queen had no idea of what sort of presents she should take, so she thought it best to give her most trusted subject the task of doing so.

"Annie, it nearly slipped my mind! Make preparations to visit the family residence of General Crozat. He left earlier today due to his father being unwell.'

With a nod of acknowledgement, her lady in waiting rushed out to make the necessary arrangements. It always surprised her, how apt her former handmaiden was in everything she was assigned. Helena picked up a book Annie left at her writing desk and sat by the window seat, proceeding to read its pages in wait for her return. Within an hour, she returned, frustrated.

'Your majesty, no one seems to where the General resides!'

Closing the book, Helena looked up at her,

'Come now, there must be someone!'

Met with a frustrated shake of Annie's head, she frowned. How was it that everyone knew so little of the man who commanded the armies of the land? This would not do at all. Just then, an idea crossed her mind; she had Annie look for those who worked with Crozat upon his appointment as general or those who made his acquaintance even before. She knew next to nothing herself, save that the late king and he were inseparable. Ronan took no decisions in battle without the counsel of his best friend; it was only fitting that he remained in command following the king's death. Helena relied on the new general a great deal when foreign forces laid siege to Liberia; never did he let her down.

Upon much searching, Annie finally stumbled upon the old librarian of the castle in Terium, a man named Theo. Though retired, he came forth immediately upon summons, eager to be of service. The empress was relieved to find someone who knew Crozat, arranging to meet the very next day.

'Sir Theo, a pleasure to make your acquaintance'

Helena curtseyed, clad in her usual attire; a pants suit (which was what men usually wore). The old librarian bowed in respect, unsure of where to cast his gaze. This reaction elicited a chuckle from the empress,

'Please, make yourself comfortable.'

He nodded, then proceeded to relate what he knew of the general, seldom taking his eyes off the floor. No one knew where he came from; not once did he ever mention it. He appeared in the then capital at the ripe age of sixteen, a real racketeer. Ronan met him when a bunch of local thugs had him cornered outside the palace walls on one of his many attempts to enjoy the pleasure of peasant life, unaccompanied by the royal guard. Teaming up, they made the perfect duo and were inseparable since. Apart from offering him quarters inside the palace walls, Crozat accompanied his new friend everywhere. He always seemed to know how to resolve Ronan's problems, earning both the dowager's disdain and King Jeffery's favour. Though he never took a wife; he never seemed interested in pursuing any female, the old librarian lamented. He considered the general to be a fine gentleman, a sentiment with which Helena found herself agreeing. She began to wonder why herself, as he seemed such a charming gentleman upon their meeting during the time Ronan courted her.

'There must be some way we can find his whereabouts, sir Theo'

He shook his head, claiming to not know of such a way. He suggested going through the general's belongings, one Helena shot down immediately. She trusted this man and would wait for his return, upon which she planned to travel with him back to his family.

She thanked the old librarian for what little information he offered them, though it was nothing she already didn't know. Busying herself with her work, she set Annie up to the task of investigating the general's whereabouts. Trust him, she might; but she still had a right to know where he disappeared to.

As she walked through her newly built grand hall and out into the gardens, the cool sea breeze ruffled her nearly brushed blond locks. She stared out towards the horizon, a thousand questions on her mind. The answers seemed to escape her now, but find them she would, and when she did, she would have her general back.

Little did the Empress know how much she would find, but that is a story for another time.

*End of Book One*

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