Dearest Ronan (bonus chapter)

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My dearest king,

It has been years since I've seen your face, not a day goes by when I do not dream of being in your arms once more. So much has happened since you were taken from me. I nearly lost our Liberia to outside forces, though there were times I felt like giving up, the thought of parting with your last gift to me was too much for this heart of mine to bear. They laid waste to our border villages, pillaging houses and torturing innocents. I was forced to stand down, forgive me, my king, for I know nothing can turn back the time that was lost. Though I feel it a weak apology, I have made this green paradise an empire, my love. Roenesia now stands as a Liberian colony, a testament to how even countries bow down in the face of true love.

I cannot tell you how hollow my life has become knowing I must wait for the sweet release of death to be reunited with you. I have caught myself many a time wishing for it to come upon me swiftly, only too eager to see you.

However, I must fight this urge for the world lies watching and waiting for a chance to ruin this victory. I shall not allow it, my love. I shall build what you left me into an indestructible stronghold so that all who are weary can find rest on our shores. I hope you are watching my love, for I plan on making you even prouder than you surely must be now.

Till we meet again,

All my love,

your empress,


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