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"They ain't have no backwoods

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"They ain't have no backwoods." British firmly stated to Kyrin rummaging through the bag to get her brothers sour straws out.

"Damn," he grunted rubbing his bandaged head as he lay in bed, "you got me some dutches?"

"No, cause the last time I grabbed Dutches you had a fit. I just didn't grab none," British gave him a bland look as he sucked his teeth.

"Damn British!" He cursed. "So what the fuck I'm supposed to smoke with?"

British scrunched her face up at his aggy attitude, he was acting as if she was some type of slave to him, as if she was obligated to do any of this for him. "I don't fuckin' know!" British stabbed back. "I'm not here to support your habit, you shouldn't be smoking anyways all the medicine you on."

He ignore her statement sucking her teeth, "Mama!" He called out and British said a mental prayer.

"Huh." She tossed the bag to Kyrin filled with Gatorade and other snacks he asked for.

"What?" Dana appeared in the doorway of his room with a halter dress on her heavy set body, a Newport between her lips. She rolled her eyes when she seen British standing at the edge of Kyrin's bed. "Hey British." She said dryly.

"Hey Dana." British said with the same energy folding her arms.

"You got some papers?" Kyrin hopefully asked her.

"Hell nah," she declared, "Benji stole my last one, all I got is cigarettes!" She said referring to Kyrin's younger brother. That was the problem with Dana. She had no regard for her children, that's why Benji and Kyrin were in the streets at a young age, smoking weed and drinking liquor at thirteen—Benji's age. And she let them, with no hesitance.

"Lemme have one of them." He said gently. British watched in disgust as she pulled the box of Newport's from her cleavage tossing him a cigarette.

Her eyes flickered over to British, who was looking dead at her. "What? You want one too?" She said attitude laced in her voice as British scrunched her nose.

"No thanks, I don't smoke." British said sarcastically knowing Dana knew she didn't smoke. Dana left the room and Kyrin held the cigarette between his lips grabbing his lighter from his bedside. British just shook her head her forehead scrunched as she continued. "And don't call me when yo' head is booming cause I don't know what to tell you—did you take your medicine?"

"Nah," British covered her nose with her t-shirt, cigarette smoke had always made her nauseous.

"How yo mama been here all day and couldn't give you no—anyways, I gave you your sumatriptan injection right?" British cut herself off mid rant, she never expected Dana to do anything for her son anyways. When Kyrin was in that bed fighting for his life and British was consoling Benji, Dana was out at the store getting herself some snacks and cigarettes. Not even knowing if her son was going to survive or not. But try to tell Kyrin about his mama and he ready to fight. Weird.

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