Carnival -IsaMegu/Soutaku

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Hi again ! This is kinda the part 2 of the first one shot, but from Isami and Megumis POV :)

Megumi is shocked by the sudden movement of Isami pulling her arm. Isami notices this but still continues to drag her along until they reach their destination.

A small bench near the rubbish bins.

Megumi turns to Takumi, "I thought we were going to the Ferris wheel?" with a puzzled look on her face.

"We are, I just needed to get something off my chest first."

"Hm, what is it Isami. You know you can tell me anything."

"Well, I like you."

Megumi just sits in shock.

"Cazzo, I'm so sorry i should have just kept that to myself."

"No no no! I'm not rejecting you, don't worry!"

"Wait, you're not?"

"No, I like you too. I was really hoping you would say it first, i'm just shocked. I feel like i'm in a dream."

Isami laughs, causing Megumi to smile and blush.

"Well, we should get going to the Ferris wheel now."

Isami grabs hold of Megumi's hand, and swings it slightly while making their way over to the Ferris wheel.

Megumi is so happy she can barely breathe. There are so many thoughts running through her head, like "are me and Isami dating now". Although Isami looks calm and collected compared to Megumi, he is freaking out and his heart beats like crazy. He doesn't know what to say or do, so he stops in his tracks.

"Isami? Why did we stop, the man is not going to let us on if we don't hur-"

Before Megumi could even finish her sentence, Isami plants a kiss right on her lips.

Megumi, who is shocked by this, pulls back immediately. But before Megumi could say anything, Isami pulls her back in for a kiss.

"Ah! What was that for?"

"Sorry, couldn't help it." Isami says with a massive smile on his face.

Megumi turns a bright shade of red, then turns to give Isami a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, now we actually have to go. I heard it's only going once in an hour. So hurry! Move!"

"Hey, you were the one who was holding us up." Megumi giggles.

Hand in hand, Megumi and Isami run over to the Ferris wheel ticket stand. Luckily they made it just in time, and got the last seat. As the Ferris wheel slowly starts to ascend higher in to the sky, Isami tightly grabs Megumi's hand.

"Just to make sure you are safe." Isami says with a smile.

Megumi smiles back at him.

The Ferris wheel reaches the top, and Isami takes Megumi into a warm embrace as they look over all the people walking around the carnival.

The wheel jolts and they slowly start going back down. Isami still not letting go of Megumi. They get to the end of the ride and the man releases the buckles to let them out.

"Well that was fun, wasn't it?" Megumi asks, turning to Isami.

"Yeah, it was nice. I wonder how Souma and Takumi went on that ride. We should try to meet up with them and play some games."

"Yeah, lets go over to the ride and see if they are there."

As they get closer to the ride they notice two figures sitting on a bench together, ones head on ones shoulder. Once they get close enough to notice that its Souma and Takumi, they stop dead in their tracks and burst out laughing.

"I had a feeling that would happen at some point."

"Yeah, just not this soon." Megumi smiles.

"Should we go over Megumi?"

"Yes, we should try not to embarrass them though."

"I had the opposite idea."

Isami runs over to the pair before Megumi could do anything about it.

"How are you two lovebirds going? Have you finally asked him out yet Takumi" Isami says with a smart-ass smile.

Takumi turns a bright shade of red and blurts out;

"Stupido idiota, non sa nemmeno che mi piace ancora. Potresti aver rovinato tutto!"

"Ops, mi dispiace per quello. Ora almeno hai la possibilità di dirglielo.

"Sì sì, cazzo di merda!"

"Woah, Woah Takumi, no need for that language."

Souma is very confused, as he cannot speak a word of Italian. All he heard was that Takumi liked him. And that though makes is heart flutter more than anything.

"Takumi, you like me?"

"Uhhhhh.... no?"

"Oh come on big bro, tell em."

"Fine maybe a little."

"REALLY??? I've liked you for ages, guess you just can't take a hint."

Takumi goes even redder than before. "What?? You haven't left any hints."

"I literally kissed you on the forehead just before. I think that goes a little beyond bros."

"Oh- right."

"YOU KISSED HIM SOUMA!!!" Isami yells.

"Uh, yeah i guess i did."

"Oh my gosh, you two kissed! Thats really good to hear, maybe we could go on a double date sometime?" Megumi says cheerfully.

"Wha- Are you two a thing now?" says Takumi and Souma both simultaneously.

"Well yeah." Isami says while pulling Megumi closer.

"Well... have you kissed yet?"

"Yup." Isami says confidently with Megumi blushing by his side.

"Well I can't let you beat me in anything."

Takumi pulls Souma closer and gives him a kiss right on the lips. Which lasts a little longer than Isami's liking.

"Hah, now we are tied."

Souma, Megumi and Isami all stand in amazement. With Souma going to kiss Takumi again.

Thanks for reading these one shots. Sorry if these first two aren't very good, i'm still trying to improve on my writing. If you have any requests feel free and i will most likely do them. And also apologies for the Italian, I am sort of rusty at speaking it.

Have a great day !

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