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Kavan stood amidst the drizzling rain, his gaze distant and unseeing

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Kavan stood amidst the drizzling rain, his gaze distant and unseeing. It had been an eternity since he last set foot in a cemetery, not since Gaetan's death. Thoughts of the war, almost forgotten amidst the passage of time, mingled with the somber occasion of his great aunt's funeral. Surrounded by his grieving parents and younger brother, Kavan instinctively reached out, wrapping his arm around his mother's trembling shoulders.

Mollie, petite and dwarfed by her husband and two strapping sons, found little solace in their protective presence. She walked slowly towards the freshly dug grave, where her beloved great aunt Mary's casket awaited its final descent. Placing a single long-stemmed white rose upon the casket, Mollie turned away, seeking her husband's strength in her moment of sorrow. James, ever the steadfast pillar, drew her close, his arms offering the solace that words could not express.

"Let's go home, Love," James finally murmured, his voice a soothing balm against Mollie's raw grief.

After over forty years of marriage, James still possessed the power to calm his bride's troubled spirit. Mollie looked up, tears glistening in her eyes, and nodded silently. Home sounded like a sanctuary.

Back at their ancestral home, a quiet melancholy settled over the family. Despite Kavan's anticipation of returning to Ireland on military leave, happiness eluded him. The impending loss and sorrow surrounding Mary's passing weighed heavily, but he knew that wasn't the only reason. It was seeing his mother struggle that tugged at Kavan's heart. Mary had been more than just a great aunt; she had been a second mother to Mollie, having raised her since childhood after their grandmother's untimely death and their older brother Ian's mysterious disappearance years ago.

Kavan sat quietly in the living room, watching his parents exchange subdued words in the kitchen. He felt a pang of guilt for not being able to alleviate their pain. Mary's absence echoed through the house, a poignant reminder of her unwavering presence over the years.

As the rain continued to tap against the windows, Kavan reflected on the complexities of family bonds and the fragility of life. He knew he needed to be there for his mother, to support her through this loss just as she had always supported him. Despite the heaviness in his heart, Kavan found solace in the unity of their family, bound by love and shared grief.


Mollie looked up as Kavan entered the cozy sitting room, motioning him to join her by the crackling hearth.

"I was hoping to find Da here. Is everything alright?" Kavan asked, his brow furrowing with concern.

Mollie shook her head slowly before speaking. "You should see this, Son." She held out a well-worn journal to Kavan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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