Untitled Part 8

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I don't own Naruto.

The moment she stepped out of her home, the chill ran down her spine. She could feel that all too familiar chakra looming in the air. She clutched Itsuki to her chest tightly and took off running as a large clawed foot slammed down onto her home. She shook as she turned to look up into the eyes of the large beast. "K-kurama..." she managed as it sniffed at her. "You know my name? Surprising that a human calls me something other than Kyuubi." He spat at her gruffly, only for his gaze to land on the small child in her arms. "Not that it matters." He growled as he swiped at her once more but she jumped to avoid his hit. She took off running, seeing as though there was no talking things through with this Kurama.

She couldn't help the tears that threatened to fall as she ran. She had to protect Itsuki no matter what the cost. She caught sight of a fellow Hyuuga and she grabbed them by their wrist and pulled them along with her. The man just stared at the large beast that was chasing them. "We have to go, don't slow down!" she managed and he nodded, turning his gaze back to face in front of them. "What's your name?" she asked and he looked at her oddly.

"Um... Kosuke..." he said and she nodded. "Kosuke, I need you to take the Hokage's son to a safe place." She said and he stared at her in shock. "You can't fight that!" he managed and she shook her head. "No, I can't, but I can hold him off and protect the village if even only for a moment until Hashirama and the others get here..." she said and he looked down to the baby she had placed in his grasp. "Wait! What is your name?" he asked and she smiled at him.

"Hinata." She said as she urged him forward and turned back to face Kurama once more. He swiped at her once more, but she jumped and ran up his leg only to climb up onto his face. She gripped the hair tightly there and looked him in the eye. "Why are you doing this?" she asked and he narrowed his eyes at her. "Should I have a reason?" he asked and she frowned, she supposed he didn't need one. It seemed he just hated humans after all. He slung her from his head and swung his foot at her once more, but she spun into a rotation to deflect the hit.

Hinata knew she was no match for this creature, she closed her eyes the moment his foot broke through her rotation and sent her flying backwards. She hit the ground a good twenty something feet away, only for him to swipe at her once more and send her flying yet again. He wasn't even trying to kill her yet, she noticed, he was only toying with her. He knew she wasn't a match for him and was just playing with her before he did decide to kill her. She bit her lip and braced herself for yet another hit that sent her flying into a tree. She slid down the tree and just looked up at him, how Naruto had managed to befriend this creature was beyond her, but she knew no matter what he was going to end up having to do it all over again no matter how time changed.

Kurama leaned closer to her, his jaws opening as he got ever closer to her. She could feel his smothering hot breath on her whole form now. She closed her eyes as she knew he was going to eat her, but she wasn't going to go down without letting someone know what happened to her. She took a deep breath and calmed her nerves, she knew she had to make this as loud as she could. She leaned forward and screamed his name as loud as she could, now she could only hope Hashirama had heard her.

"Hashirama! Help me!" she had screamed and Kurama only chuckled as he jolted to snap at her once more. She squeezed her eyes shut, but only heard the cracking of wood and the beast howl. She snapped her eyes open to see Hashirama and Madara standing in front of her, an eerie dark blue glow surrounding them. Madara and Hashirama looked back over their shoulders at her and she couldn't help the tears that escaped her now. "Are you ok?" they asked in unison and the moment she nodded they turned back to face Kurama, who was reeling from the hit he had taken. She struggled to get back to her feet, only to watch as Madara and Hashirama bumped fists and attacked the beast once more.

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