Unfortunate faith

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It was a very dark and cold night that day...December 26th 2015

By the time the clock hit 9 pm, you said your farewells with your coworkers and started making your way back to your cozy apartment, that unfortunately happened to be an hour away from the place you worked at. For an unexplained reason your car had broken down recently so there was no other choice for you but to use the public transport, which you wholeheartedly hated. Some of your friends offered you a ride home but you refused, you felt the need to not bother anyone at this time of day.

9:30 pm....and you were now halfway through to your house as you got off the tramway, now another half of unstoppable walking was ahead. As you walked down the silent streets, the cold wind kept blowing through your hair. It was almost as if something was about to happen with the way the weather was acting, but that would have been a crazy coincidence wouldn't it.....until you reached the Doyer's street. During the day this Chinatown corridor was usually occupied with a lot of chinese and tourists people, markets and restaurants with bright joyful colors would be opened everywhere but at night, it had a completely different vibe. As you walked down the stone walkway, you could suddenly feel another presence from behind you as another set of footsteps made itself audible. You did get a little paranoid whenever you'd go on lonely walks like this, but you decided to keep your calm and keep on moving forward, it was probably another person traveling home from work.

The footsteps started to get a little louder and quicker this time, and it wasnt just a pair of two...but more than four by the sound of it. Your heartbeat quickened but you still decided to keep your walk pace, praying that the people are perhaps hurrying somewhere, but as the footsteps got closer and closer your fear gave in and you stared to scream and run from whatever was behind you.

"HELP ME! SOMEBODY!" you screamed, but for no use. A strong figure grasped for your jacket's hood and yanked you backwards, making you immediately fall to the ground on your back. It was so sudden it almost took your breath away. Without having even a second to comprehend the situation, the people finally made themselves visible as they all formed a circle around you. There was 5 of them in total, they were all wearing strange green masks along with a green coat that completed the overall fit, with a pair of transparent white glasses that underlined their eyes. You were terrified at the sight as you've become aware who you were actually dealing with, tears started to roll in your eyes.

"No! Please leave me alone i did nothing wrong!" You wanted to get up and quickly run away but two of the guys held you down to the ground, making you completely stuck. You struggled, wimped, and kicked as you helplessly tried to get yourself free but again, for no use, you were outnumbered. The third guy kneeled closer and started putting some kind of napkin over your mouth and nose. You shook your head aggressively to not let him do that, but the fourth guy pinned your head to the ground and they finally succeeded, by the smell of it was chloroform. Your eyes widened as you realized that you were being kidnapped by these people.

"Shhhh...calm down sweetie its alright.." one of the guys mumbled. You wanted to fight and not give in, but the chloroform started to have an effect as your vision became blurry, eventually making you loose consciousness completely...

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