Thirteen || Invading Darkness

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"Thank you...?" Lani let her voice trail off, giving Hollyann a rather pointed look — scared to ask for a name directly.

"You can call me Holly!"

"Ah! That's a nice name. I'm Lani!"

Because, you know, introductions outside Azaevelum were just out of the question.

"You alright there, Kat?" Holly asked, turning to me.

"Sorry about nearly crashing, by the way," Flint muttered, not meaning a single word of it.


I was never letting Flint Karello touch me ever again, but Holly had been absolutely fine with Lani. No near-misses (or actual crashes, because what had Flint done? Yep, sent us spiralling right into a spire — which tore through already useless wings like scissors through paper) to speak of there.

"You actually crashed, clearly."

"Oh, no, he's alright, so it's a miss," I sighed. "It doesn't hurt. Trust me."


"No, he really doesn't," Holly muttered, shooting a glare at Flint. "It's like... nerve damage? Does that sound right to you?"

"You're asking the wrong sister."

"Hm. Fair point, I guess. Get lost, Karello."

Flint, thank everything, didn't argue. Probably because Holly generally managed to scare the living daylights out of most fairies our age without much effort. After all, she was pretty much the same height as Lani and Anya — and we were the same age.

If anything, she's younger than me.

Lani trailed behind us as we wandered through the maze-like streets, this particular area of the city almost entirely unknown to me. I imagined she was looking at everything in wonder, since Earth appeared rather disappointing to her sometimes. Maybe it was just how mundane it was... even to those who lived there.


"Yeah. Earth's fine, actually. I think."

"Sounds like you don't know what you're on about."

"Please, humans don't have wings. I could hardly walk around in broad daylight, y'know."

"But you still saw it!"

"Through a window. Mostly."

"Wow. Were they keeping you prisoner or something?"


Holly laughed, catching Lani's attention better than the not-particularly-quiet conversation had.

"Is Anya okay?" she asked, catching up with us so quickly it was almost like she'd teleported. Which was just insane to think about.

"Hm? Yeah, she's okay. Best healer in this half of the city lives in the square she landed in, lucky thing."

Lani did not seem to think Holly's no-nonsense tone and vague sarcasm was particularly fitting, if the expression on her face was anything to go by. But she didn't say anything about it.

We walked in silence after that.



"They seem close," Holly said rather pointlessly, leaning against the wall. "Cira, Vaeri, I found your friend."

"He's literally the only reason you know us," Cira sighed. "Vaeri, don't say a word."

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