Twenty-Nine || Does Family Loyalty Exist Or Not?!

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Nobody follows Vaeri outside. They're all either too stupefied by her insane decision or too shocked by Anya's... insane decision.

I'm not pretending that it isn't obvious that Adalia didn't actually want the twins here. I'm not pretending that it isn't obvious that Adalia never wanted me to return to Azaevelum. I'm not even pretending that I think Lani and Anya have no real reason to save our home.

But they're still part of this group, and while Felaern does technically bring the total number of people on Lantana's side to six again... Lani and Anya make up a third of Lantana Aletris.

I just don't know what to say about it.

I understand. They want to go home, see their family, do all the things kids should do... and they should be able to.

So should we, of course, but why do our problems have to be theirs as well?

I don't even know what to think about it.

Nobody's saying anything else, now, and Cira definitely heard the conversation during his conversation with... did Felaern say 'Mrs Fernshore'? I'm pretty sure I know that name... oh, whatever, it really doesn't matter.

So he's got no questions. No questions that the rest of us don't have, at any rate.

"Kat, your dad's a Gateway Fixer, right?" Felaern asked eventually.

"Yeah. You know this. We all know this!"

"So he can send them home?"


Cira tapped his foot thoughtfully, glancing at the ceiling. "Then that's the plan. Find Lani, save her, and then get the twins out of here. Anya?"

"Sounds alright. How about we get on with that?"

How do Lani and Anya manage to confuse me most when they're not together?

Seriously. Almost-identical twins should be the most puzzling when then they're next to each other — why can't I work them out when they're separated?

Because you know what a healthy relationship with a sister looks like.

Be quiet.



"You okay?" Anya's eyes are filled with concern, which... why? Why should she be worried about me when her sister's in danger?

She cares about Lani. Any fool can see that much.

My hand's tingling, I notice dully, but turn my attention to the mental crisis I'm preparing to bury myself in. Apparently.

And then I'm tasting something that will not stay consistent at all — for no reason, because nobody's using magic. Not even me.

Bitter and then sweet and then some sick mix of the two.

"You look like you've just sucked on a lemon," Anya comments, looking mildly interested. "What's going on?"


Felaern — who doesn't know about my magic-sensing — and Cira share know-it-all looks, as if they both know what's going on. Cira doesn't even know how it works, anyway. Why would Anya's remark bring anything remotely close to the truth to mind?

"Cira, can you burn this guy?"

Vaeri's extremely serious question is met with a grand total of five blank stares, even one from the young child nobody knows the name of. She glances between us all quickly before sighing, moving aside to reveal someone that I don't recognise.

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