Chapter XVII

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The Loids came into view, they had sent the last Yordar away into inner woods. All five were above ground, with their jet black capes flowing backwards with the direction of the wind. Their presence was eternal, the trees swayed from one side to the other, the wind lashed the leaves. It came to calmness when the one in the middle said:

"Who amongst you possess the Blue Cuboid?"

"Us!" Bethany shouted as they all came out.

"Show it!" All of them ordered in oneness.

The light radiated forth as  Bethany held out the Blue Cuboid, after a while, it was in the air, in the possession of the Loids.

"Follow us." The First Loid said as they turned.

"Stop." A familiar thunderous voice roared from the direction to the inner woods. Gardnan need not turn as he nodded to Bethany and Harry to proceed.

"Gava." Vorlam mumbled as he took to his feet. Harry resisted, he wanted to be with his dad.

"Harry, go. I'll buy you some time." Gardnan shouted.
"No, dad. I can't leave you here." Harry said.

"Bethany, please, tell him!" Gardnan pleaded.

"Harry, let's go! Trust me, he will come for you. Trust me." Bethany assured.
Harry, reluctantly, agreed and hugged his father for the last time. They followed the Loids as all thoughts dashed through his mind. He had only found his father couple of days ago, the memories ran all over his mind.

"The scumbag I've been waiting for!" Gardnan yelled.

"This piece of rack!" Vorlam staggered pointing his index finger at Gava.
Gava walked forward pounding his foot on the ground, then he stopped looking at the two men before him. He measured them from his dim, green, lit eyes.

"It isn't surprising you are not dead." Gava said breaking the ice. "The scum can never be cleaned off completely. They regather again."

"A sheep in a wolf's clothing. Imagine, this scum has been working with me for years now." Gardnan said to Vorlam.

"Hughnn! How's that possible?" Gava bellowed as he let out hysterical laughter.

"Andrew!," Gardnan called. "I promised to give  your stupid mask to my dear son."

"Why not come get it?" Gava said after pushing a hologram button in his palm, making his thunderous voice disappear into ' Andrew's ' voice.

"You too know each other?" Vorlam asked bewildered.

"Yes, he's been a scum all his miserable life!" Gardnan announced.

"You are the scum, Gardnan." Andrew shot back.

"It's okay, boys. Let's get to it." Vorlam said.
Vorlam went for a hit, his axe got stuck  in the sand. Gava hammered his back with his boots, sending Vorlam to the floor. Gardnan taking advantage of the open space, took a log and klapped Andrew's head, sending him to his knees.

Andrew hurried at Gardnan a right fist, it was blocked and given back the fist on the metal face. It clanged as Gardnan shook his fingers, the mask fell to the ground and Andrew came into view.
Vorlam on standing up got spun around by a stabbing impact, he fell to the ground, stiff. Andrew let out a victorious laughter, he turned, faced Gardnan.

The blades came down Andrew's hand, Gardnan clenched his fists. This was gonna end bad. Andrew swung the left knife, Gardnan held Andrew's wrist. Waisting no time, Andrew slashed Gardnan's midsection, the edges of the knife was stained with blood. He pushed Gardnan to the ground, lifted up the knives to bring down upon Gardnan.

Gardnan moved away quickly as the blades sank into the ground. Hard impact, Gardnan gave Andrew a blow to the jaw. He proceeded to carry a log, he swung it, Andrew moved away and slashed him on the right arm. He groaned. He stepped backwards as Andrew drove the knife into him, pushing him to the floor.

He laid on the floor, looking up at the trees and the dark, orange sun that had painted the whole environment in dried blood. Andrew hoisted him up and dashed at him once again the blood sucking blade. He let out a very loud shriek that drove some flying creatures off the trees as he  looked at Andrew, then he dropped to the floor. Blurry vision. Eyelids dropped. 

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