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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 6

me and nick started walking back to the school after about 30 minutes, he had finished all of his drink and i had about half of mine left for matt.

we walked through the parking lot and around the back of the school where the guys were getting just finished with practice.

once they were done, matt and chris came over to meet the two of us.

"hey." they both said together, and then we replied with the same thing.

then we started walking towards the school parking lot where matts car was parked.

"did you save me some coffee?" matt asked me.

"no, i drank it all." i replied with a smirk on my face.

the smile on matts face sunk a little before saying, "oh, okay no worries."

"i'm just kidding around with you, of course i saved you some." i smiled, passing him the coffee filled cup.

"you're cruel." chris laughed, which made the rest of us laugh too.

we got in the car and drove to my house. we got out the car and made our way to the unlocked door and opened it.

"mom," i yelled. "we're home!"

"we?" she yelled back before walking towards the door to be greeted by the four of us. "oh boys, i haven't seen you in what feels like forever!" she gave the three boys a hug, kissing them on the head individually.

"hi andrea." they all said.

"are you guys hungry, i made pasta and there's a lot of it if you want some?"

"i'll have some." chris replied.

"of course you will." nick laughed.

"shut up bro."

"i'll have some please, mom."

"of course sweetheart." she replied giving me a hug.

we all walked through to the kitchen where there was a large pan of pasta on the stove. she grabbed out four plates from the kitchen cabinet and placed them all on the counter before putting pasta on them all and handing them to us, we were all sat on the stools around the kitchen island.

"does anyone want a drink?" i asked, getting up out of my seat and walking towards the refrigerator.

"what do you have?" matt asked.

"umm, water, orange juice, pepsi or coke."

"pepsi please."

"i'll have a pepsi." chris replied.

"pepsi for me too please." nick answered.

i got out three pepsis and an orange juice, placing one pepsi in front of each of the boys and getting an orange juice for myself.

after we had finished food, we went upstairs.

"is alex in?" chris asked.

alex is my little brother, he's two years younger than me and to be honest, i don't see him much even though he lives with me. that's because all he does is sit in his room and play video games 24/7. the only time i see him is when he's coming downstairs to get food or a drink, or on the odd occasion i'll see him in the hallways at school.

"i don't know, he probably is. just knock on his door."

chris knocked on his door, and then we heard a muffled, "emily, fuck off!"

"it's chris you dumbass." he replied opening the door.

"oh hey chris, come in. is matt with you?"

"yup i'm here bud." matt replied.

they both walked into alex's room, then me and nick walked into mine.

-hey! sorry for taking to long to
update, i've been hella busy with
school and shit. but tysm for
1k reads!

🖇MYSTERY OF LOVE, matt sturniolo💌Where stories live. Discover now