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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 19

a few hours had passed since i had gone home after decorating our graduation caps. and no, i didn't talk to matt. i have no clue why we didn't talk but it was already awkward so i think us talking would've made it even more awkward.

even though i didn't want to talk to him and it still would be awkward, i also did want to talk to him. so i texted him.

• • •


are you busy?

no why

pick me up



1. no manners
2. there is so 2 you just need

sorry i'll rephrase
mr matthew bernard sturniolo please
can you come and pick me up from
my house so we can talk because i
miss you and want to talk

be ready i'm coming now.

• • •

i tied my hair up, put on a sweatshirt and slid on my airforces before walking downstairs. alex was sat on the couch watching tv with a pizza next to him. he turned his head and saw me.

"where are you going?" he asked, taking a bite of his pizza.

"to see matt." i replied to him, taking a slice of his pizza and taking a bite of it.

"wait, you guys fuckin'?"

"ew fuck no. what the hell alex." i said raising my voice a bit in shock that he would even say that.

"damn, it was just a question em. you dealing?"

"my god alex, im just going to talk to him."


"nothing to do with you so mind your fucking business!" i told him.

"ok salty."

"man you're fucking annoying. i'm not in the mood for this right now. i don't even want to talk to matt because he's been a dick, but i also want to because  i hate not taking to him."

"what's happened for you to be pissed off at him?" he asked.

"he's talking to this girl or dating her or whatever, we asked him who she was because we clearly didn't know her, and then he started being a dick."

"damn, that's tough."

i stared at him for a few seconds before taking another bite of my pizza before i heard a car horn going off. "must be matt, see you later. i'll text you if i'm going elsewhere." i said before taking another slice of pizza out of the box.

i got up from my seat and walked to the front door, opening it and then closing it behind me. i walked down the steps leading from my porch to the sidewalk where matts car was at. i opened the door and then got in the passenger seat and closed the door after me.

"hey," matt said, "how are you?"

"im fine thank you, how are you?"

"i'm good but i'd be better if we talked." he replied.

"same. so where are we going?"

"we can go to mcdonalds and then we can sit in the parking lot if you want to?" he suggested. i nodded my head at him and then he started the car and set off to mcdonalds.

the whole car ride was quiet apart from the music playing in the background. we pulled up to the mcdonalds drive through and waited for our turn to order food.

i leaned over matt to talk into the mic to order our food. "can i get a large diet coke with a six piece nugget and fries please?" i asked.

"of course, anything else?" the mcdonalds worker asked.

"yeah, could i also have a large sweet tea with a six piece nugget and fries aswell?"

"sure, go to the next window."

we drove to the next window to pay and to get our food before driving into the parking lot and sitting there.

it was quiet before matt broke the silence by saying, "i'm so sorry for being a dick em, i don't know what got into me."

"you just shouldn't have acted that way matt. i tried to be nice to you and all i was asking who the fucking girl was because i didn't know her. then you told us that she wasn't a friend like we were? what does that even mean?" i replied turning to face him, getting angrier by the minute. "you were just so fucking rude matt, you upset me so much because there was no need for you to lash out the way you did and it was completely uncalled for."

"emily, ive just told you i'm fucking sorry. i know i was in the wrong and i honestly have no clue what else i'm supposed to say."

"you've got a lot to say actually matt. i'm so pissed off that we're in this situation, honestly. you were such a bitch to me, like telling me to 'shut the fuck up', what the fucks that even about. i did nothing to deserve it."

"why the fuck are you so concerned about me talking to someone else?" he said raising his voice at me slightly, trying to keep his cool as much as he could.

"because matt, i fucking liked you. and that sounds really shitty of me to say seeing as though we're best friends but it just pissed me off seeing you with someone else, i cant help that!"

he looked at me with a blank look on his face, trying to take in everything that i had just said. he turned to face the steering wheel and looked down at it.

"i'm sorry emily." he said.

"good, you fucking should be matthew. you've hurt me so much."

"why didn't you just tell me? you told alex that he should tell the girl he likes that he likes her, so why didn't you do that with me?" he questioned, looking at me again.

"i'm good at giving advice but i'm not actually good at doing what i say."

"i'm gonna tell you this now, and it stays between us." i looked at him and nodded my head. "i did like you em, but i didn't know if you felt the same so in a way i had alia as a distraction from you."

that was exactly what chris had said, looks like triplets do know everything that's on each other's minds...

-hey!! this is the longest chapter i've
written yet. a whopping 1052 words.
it got juicy and it's gonna continue
into the next chapter so i'll see you
all then!
-i love you all , m💌

🖇MYSTERY OF LOVE, matt sturniolo💌Where stories live. Discover now