Azma as Granny Smith
Dirk Brock as Feather Bangs
Bucky as one of Sombra's pet flyhoppers
Chaca as Sweetie Belle
Chicha as Luna
Guaca as Spike
palace guards as Canterlot guards
Irate Chef as Fancy Pants
Kavo as Gallus
Kronk as Caramel
Kuzco as Discord
Malina as Fluttershy
Mata as Apple Rose
Mr. Moleguaco as Chancellor Neighsay
Moxie as Rainbow Dash
Ms. Birdwell as Twilight Sparkle
Ozker as Thorax
Pacha as Sombra
Papi as Shining Armor
Ramon as Blueblood
Royal Recordkeeper as Sandbar
Rudy as Apple Strudel
Tipo as Button Mash
Yatta as Applejack
Yupi as Pound Cake
Yzma as Queen Chrysalis
MLP Characters as Other Characters
FanfictionImagine this if the My Little Pony characters were other characters I got the idea from the story MLP Beauty And The Beast