Jacob Holland as Sombra
Sarah Sharpe as Luna
Maisie Brumble as Sweetie Belle
Admiral Hornagold as Grogar
Ms. Merino as Rainbow Dash
Captain Crow as Shining Armor
the king as Blueblood
the queen as Chrysalis
Gwen Batterbie as Apple Rose
MLP Characters as Other Characters
FanfictionImagine this if the My Little Pony characters were other characters I got the idea from the story MLP Beauty And The Beast
MLP The Sea Beast
Jacob Holland as Sombra
Sarah Sharpe as Luna
Maisie Brumble as Sweetie Belle
Admiral Hornagold as Grogar
Ms. Merino as Rainbow Dash
Captain Crow as Shining Armor
the king as Blueblood
the queen as Chrysalis
Gwen Batterbie as Apple Rose