Agnar as Flash Magnus
Agnut as Rainbow Dash
Alvin the Treacherous as Lord Tirek
Amos as Rockhoof
Astrid as Luna
Hiccup as Sombra
Stoick as Shining Armor
Valka as Cadence
Atali as Tempest
Bucket as Flash Sentry
Drago as Grogar
Fishlegs as Blueblood
Gobber as Thorax
Gothi as Granny Smith
Grimmel as Wind Rider
Ruffnut as Thunderlane
Tuffnut as Spitfire
Snotlout as Gallus
Spitelout as Grandpa Gruff
Zephyr as Sweetie Belle
Nuffink as Tender Taps
MLP Characters as Other Characters
FanfictionImagine this if the My Little Pony characters were other characters I got the idea from the story MLP Beauty And The Beast