chapter 3 page 5

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I do not know if I do live how would I get anyone's respect I was a fool I already destroyed my doomed reputation here.

I wandered for what had to have been about five minutes.

Heading anywhere hoping it wasn't the jaws of death.

I had stopped walking when I saw that there was a small welcoming patch in a field of flowers. I walked to them with the intention of picking some for Davi.

She would have loved them.

When I had walked down the hill in the awkward way that always happens when I walk down hills. Once I had gotten close to the bottom, I could not stop the momentum and I fell flat on my face.

The pain in my noise was sharp and the only time I had every felt this pain was when in the human world played sandman and when it was my turn to be it, I turned around to get one of the other kids who was playing I slammed my face right into the fire pole.

But the pain was easy to forget when I heard more thudding in the background and quick had to pick what flowers I was going to die with.

I had originally planned to pick some of the flowers for Davi but the false hope of me making it back was wearing off thinning.

So, as I pick flowers, I would die with, I could not help but feel a little more determined to get back to Davi when I saw a flower she would have adored.

I was everything she would have wanted in a flower.

It was beautiful I was blue her favorite color. And the petals were soft, it was like I was running the blue dress I woke up in on the first day here.

I know it was impossible for this idea to happen, but I hoped that the flower would find its way to her if I could not. 

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