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-ellies pov- 

I'm not feeling good when I get to school. My mouth is dry, and it feels like my body is falling apart. But I just got to keep going, I can't cave to what my parents want me to do. They don't realize that in the long haul it will be better for them too if I'm skinny. Everything that's wrong with my life will be better if I'm just a few sizes smaller, and I don't understand why they don't realize that. 

"Ellie are you okay. You look pale" Lauren says as we are in class, but I can't pay attention to anything right now. My vision or blurry and my head is pounding. I shake my head to get myself back together "yeah I'm fine" I lie. I'm not fine and I know that. 

I can hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears and I can hardly hear anything around us, so I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. But as soon as I go into the hallway and pass by the nurse's office the world turns sideways before it goes dark. 

-Taylors pov- 

At 10am we get a phone call and I see it's from the school and I close my eyes and take a deep breath because I know this isn't good. They never call unless it's something bad. 

"Hello, its Mrs. Alwyn speaking" I answer the phone and hold my breath. 

"hi, it's the nurse from Elliana's school. She fainted in the hallway and was unresponsive, an ambulance was called, and she is taken to the local children's hospital" she says, and I want to throw up and look wide eyed at joe on the verge of tears. 

"Ok. We will head there right away" I say, and she gives me more information before we hang up and I turn to joe "I knew we shouldn't have let her go to school today. She passed out and is in the hospital... Fuck..." I say and he comes over and rub my back before we rush to get to the hospital. 

It feels like time passes by slower than ever on our way there but eventually we reach the hospital and meet Ellie in the emergency room, she is still unconscious and there are doctors all around her. "Are you her parents?" one doctor addresses us, and I nod "yes, Taylor and joe Alwyn" I tell him. 

"As you know she fainted. We have done a couple of tests and she is severely dehydrated and malnourished. In talking with her doctor, I'm informed that she has Anorexia nervosa. We want to admit her to hospital for refeeding. She has low blood pressure and heartrate, and we are waiting on labs now" he says, and I try to take it in. 

"mom" Ellies weak voice says, and I go over to her and caress her face before taking her hand. "hi sweetie. You're in the hospital now. You passed out at school" I tell her and kiss her forehead before the doctor speaks again. 

"We want to start her on fluids and vitamins through an IV so we can get her thiamine under control. It's important so we can avoid refeeding syndrome. We took a weight of her right before you got here and she lost another kilo and a half since her appointment on Monday. So she is severly underweight" he says, and I furrow my eyebrows" what's refeeding syndrom?" I ask. He goes on and explain how starvation affects the body and how the metabolic breakdown shift when you go from starvation to taking in nutrient again. Aperently long story short it can kill you in extreme cases. 

"Do whatever you need to do to help her" I tell them and turn back to Ellie and caress her face again. "We are giving her one chance to eat something, or we should consider other options" he says. 

Ellies eyes widen "not please, no mommy daddy. Please don't let them do this to me. I don't want this. Please let me go home. I will be better, I promise you" she begs and while fighting back tears I sit down on the edge of her bed "sweetie, it's gone too far. You need more help and what we have done the last couple of days have made it worse. It's okay to need help sometimes Elliana" 

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