the festival

400 24 5

** Wednesday July 2nd 2036**

-taylors pov-

Its 6am and I'm awake at the house getting ready for the festival. It starts at 11am but I need to get ready, and I need to get there. The girls are going to get ready too obviously, but they are getting to sleep a bit more than me. I have my hair and makeup team doing my glam like always.

"so we have press from access Hollywood, billboard, rolling stones, good morning America, and a few others that you will do press with after your first opening performance and while katy is on stage." tree says and give me the whole schedule for the festival, but I did already know it though. She is such a good publicist and I love her; she has been with me for 22 years and neither one of us have any intention of ending this working relationship anytime soon. I'm her only client so she works for me fulltime because that worked better for both of us. She has two kids so that way she gets more time with them too and I get her to only focus on me which have been good for my career too.

I was apprehensive about having that kind of press people there, but I get that its good in terms of getting attention towards the need of founds for childhood cancer research. Of course, as always some people have claimed I'm only doing this for attention and good press, but it's not about that and most people get that. My daugther have stage four of an aggressive cancer that could potentially kill her before the treatment kills the cancer. And I'm doing this because she isn't the only one in that situation, so many kids are in this situation, and I want to shine light on that because its important. And since the people that direct money raised for cancer research send so little to childhood cancer, I feel like I should do something about that.

Ellie and Alex come down the stairs looking really tired "hi lovebirds. Did you have a good night's sleep" I ask them, and they say they did. I told Ellie that if she got up early enough my hair and makeup team could do her too, she has been begging me to let her do that, so I figured that it would be a good idea to do it today.

They got to the kitchen to get breakfast hand in hand, and I smile seeing it. They are really happy together and he is so gently and caring for her. "They are so cute" my hair stylist Jemma says, and I smile. "They sure are. I was never that loved up at almost sixteen. Sure I had a boyfriend But not like this" I say.

"And there has been no more CVS footage" I add as a joke which makes Jemma, tree, me and my makeup artist Lorrie laugh. "And your publicist Is happy about that" tree adds. I know that it's a joke too, she will handle whatever happens but it's funny. Ellie sure learnt her lesson with that instance, but it wasn't all bad. At least it showed that they are responsible teenagers that use condoms.

My stylist joseph arrives too with my outfit, and the girls outfits, and tree opened the door for him because I am stuck in the hair and makeup chair.

Ellie and Alex come into the livingroom. Alex is dressed but Ellie is in her pajamas, a big t-shirt that's Alexs and some pajama shorts. She has two of his shirts and always wear those to bed which I find really cute, I used to do that with joes' shirts before.

My makeup artist is done with me, so she goes to do Ellie now. "Just don't do too much on her, but I trust you" I tell Lorrie. I don't like too much makeup on her, whenever Ellie tries to leave the house with too much makeup, I make her go and fix it. I don't like kids with too much of that stuff.


Eventually we leave for the event and by the time we get there its 9am but there are lines with people outside which is fun. The car drives into the private entrance though and when we get there, I see that a bunch of my artist and celebrity friends are starting to arrive too.

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