Birthday Month
January- Ghost
February- Shadow
March- Branch
April- Wolf
May- Leaf
June- Sun
July- Splash
August- Falling
September- Night
October- Dark
November- Frost
December- Snow
Birthday Day
1- Fang
2- Heart
3- Shadow
4- Fern
5- Spirit
6- Walker
7- Nose
8- Berry
9- Stripe
10- Claw
11- Face
12- Tail
13- Stream
14- Pelt
15- Fur
16- Storm
17- Feather
18- Wing
20- Fall
21- Song
22- Wind
23- Dove
24- Cloud
25- Pool
26- Leaf
27- River
28- Leap
29- Step
30- Foot
31- Whisker
I'm doing the next part now~ Waffle
Warrior Cat OC Maker
AcakI am making a name generator so enjoy and its like making a cat so Warrior Maker !!! Its for ideas, if you are stuck with choosing a name or looks then read this !!!!!