April 15, 2022

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Let me express my true feeling to you. I learned how to leave without you. 

Indeed, it was a rough path, I was lost for a long time, but time heals. 

You left me unprotected, alone, and craving for the future that never happened. Was it my fault that I was in that stage? Probably... I depended on you; my life was a mess. You were the only positive thing in my life; you were my present and future. On nights when I wanted to give up, you were my dream that everything would be okay. You were the reason I kept going; I would not be here if you were not with me back then. I did not give up in those tough times because I had you even when I could not see you and talk to you. The promises you made in those letters and the love you wrote keep me alive. Did I hate you after what you did? For a few days, I did until I realized you were not worthy of hate. Do I hate you now? Nope. It is funny how I felt I was talking with an old friend the last time we spoke, someone I can be transparent with.

Should I say thank you for breaking my heart? Or should I say thank you for being with me and giving me those fake promises? I don't have the answers to those two questions because it hurt. I was at the lowest point of my life, and you knew but did not care. But again, that made me strong, and many good things happened after that. I even consider you a lucky charm because everything I saw you after our breakup, good things happened to me. 

Whatever is the case, I hope you don't read this letter because it would hurt you. I know you regret what you did, but it is too late. As you said, you lost a gem, whatever that means. 

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