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"The snap back after this baby is definitely givingggg" I dragged, admiring my body on live.
randomuser06 who the daddy? theedripper you look tf good aylani777 cutieeee keythageneral mind yo fuckin business!^
I squinted, reading the comments before putting on lipgloss.
"No seriously" I shrugged, ignoring the comment.
I had Isaiah two months ago, I had the test done and Tae wasn't the father. He didn't even trip like I expected him to. I'm not even going to lie like I wasn't heart broken. Besides all the toxic shit Tae treated me well during my pregnancy just for the baby not to be his.
randomuser06 word round town Indiee got that shit and gave it to her babyyyyy aylani777 weird bra!^ toneahdaone wtffff!! theeonenot2 where the baby? omgleahwtf wtf yall sick!
I shook my head, ending the live.
I dont have anything, but after word got out that Tae wasnt the daddy people started making up hella rumors.
I never cleared up anything and I dont care to, life been good ignoring shit and not clowning like I used to. I just been working and focusing on my baby.
Tae come around every-now and then to check on us, he even bought Isaiah new crib after my baby daddy threw me into the one he bought before he died.
I was fucking Zykez to get back at Tae but the nigga was beating on me everyday he could, im honestly happy he died. Only thing is, Now my baby dont got no daddy.
I will never tell Tae though because I got a feeling he was involved with his death and I don't blame him.
He deserved it.
"Heyyy stinkyyyy Shhh im here" I hushed Isaiah as he woke up in tears.
"Whats wro-" I was cut off as glass breaking and I instantly ducked.
All I could hear was gunshots and my baby crying extremely loud.
"I think im growing out of my gay phase" I sideeyed the gang, while scrolling on my phone.
They all just paused, then went back to their conversation.
"Ok so FUCKK YALL!" I raised my voice and Leek laughed a little before balling up his lips.
"Bro we done been over this, its cool if you miss that nigga. I miss Asia" Tae shrugged and I mugged him.
"Im so serious, every since me and ole dude cut ties I literally have had no interest in other dudes"
"I tried to fuck a another nigga like a couple weeks ago and I almost gagged, I dont find interest no more" I added, shrugging.