𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙴 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾
prince samontae wilkesI sighed looking at my phone, finally answering it after 34 missed calls.
indiee😹 would like to facetime...
I hung up the phone throwing it on the hotel bed.
"Fuck wrong with her ass" I mumbled to myself as I heard echoed laughs making me mentally roll my eyes.
I looked up at leek who was shaking his head.
"Im not even gone say nothing mane, im not even gone say nothing" he balled his lips up laying back on the bed beside mine.
"he finna say some" amir came out of the other side of the room to jump backwards on my bed.
"you and shawty need to stop holding on to some thats not gone work, clearly you dont fuck with her anymore" Leek rubbed his hair back and forth glancing between me and his phone.
I really couldnt say anything back cause his duck ass was right. I been having a sneaky link for a cool minute now anyways.
I actually sat down and talked with shawty and she was cool.
"Ight, mind yall business. Imma get it together soon" I retaliated waving them off, stepping out the room to call her back.
"Indiee Macintyre" I spoke into the phone as she surprisingly said nothing when the line picked up.
"I just feel like you dont care about me no more bro, im always here for you. Hell yea im a handful and I did that shit back then but mane thats old. Please let that shit go" she cried into the phone making me roll my eyes.
"Macintyre you really wanna talk about you fucking on my opp while my brother was dying?, right now?" I laughed into the phone.
"You really just gone never let that go huh?"
"Bitch fuck you, we done. On Mario" I hung up walking back into the hotel room.
"Ah Shit!" Kaisen and Leek held their faces in pain from me hitting them with the door.
"That's what yall nosey ass get"
two hours later.
SUGAR FACTORY — MIAMI, FL📍"Bitches be two weeks pregnant holding they stomach, bitch that lil ass dorito crumb" Kaisen blew smoke from the candy ball.
I shook my head laughing as I was staring at this girl across from me.
"Mane please slide on her before she report you for stalking" Amir bumped me out of my trance.
Everybody followed my eyes as they stared also.
"Oh she bad leek, slide on shawty before me and braylen get her" Draco smirked making me laugh.
"Shut up fags" I threw them a middle finger, no lie she bad but florida females be hoes.
Im one too though.
"Brah how the fuck she even find us" Tae rubbed his hand down his face looking at the entrance seeing Indiee and her friends.
"Ewww the cheetah girls" I fake threw up.
"Hell nah dont do them" Draco defended making me smile.
"Oh shit I posted the boomerang on my main instead of close friends" Amir shook his head making us all groan in unison.
"Bruh cmon and yo ugly ass staying to pay since you brought this bitch here" Tae stood up handing Amir a hundred dollar bill.
"Glad you the one paying cause you invited shawty" Amir snatched it.
Everybody left and I decided to stay with Amir so he wont be by hisself, yeah we in florida but somehow its people that hate us everywhere.
We know to keep it on us everywhere we go though. Wish I could've warned Von about that shit.
"Damn excuse you shawty" I put my hands on some random girl waist as I tried to get by in the crowded area.
"My fault" I heard in a familiar accent, as the girl turned around. I saw her face.
It was ole girl that was sitting infront of us.
We locked eyes for a minute before she got lost in the crowd. Movie type shit. Im gone find her.
"Say leek you got change for a twenty?" Amir snapped me back to attention as I nodded.
"Yeah, here."
i done had a BAD case of writers block im so so sorry, I got to make it up to yall next chapter.
this just some cause we hit 6k ♡ .. keep tellin yall folks bout this book fasho.
also, rest up von. fr. he hurt me with this one. yall stay safe! love yall.
comment and vote for me, even though this was ass lmao.
anything yall just dying to see? comment.

Teen Fictionain't no love in this shit .. right?| hood bxb | COMPLETED.