Chapter 14

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"Hey, you aren't staying for pizza?" My dad called out as Seth, and I passed the living room.

"Oh, sorry, sir. I told my mom I'd be home for dinner," Seth explained.

"Ah, fair enough. Good to see you again," my dad offered, letting us slip away.

"You know my dad hates it when you call him sir, right?" I giggled as I opened the front door for Seth.

"Why do you think I enjoy doing it so much?" He laughed back.

"I'm telling him you said that," I threatened.

"Would it make him mad, or would he think it was funny?" Seth challenged.

"Knowing my dad, he'd think it was funny, but it wouldn't bother him anymore."

"That doesn't sound like any fun at all, then. I'll see you tomorrow. Should I pick you up here?"

"Yes, please, and thank you," I nodded.

"So, polite," he teased before stepping out to his car.

"Feeling any better?" My dad asked as I joined him and V on the couch.

"Yeah, a bit," I admitted.

"I like Seth. He seems like a good person. Not a fan of him calling me old, but otherwise..." My dad mused to himself.

"He does that because he knows you don't like it," I smiled.

"Well, now I really like Seth," V smiled.

"I like him slightly less." But my dad smiled as he said it. "Pizza will be here soon."

"Good, I'm starving." I let my gaze fall on the television showing some Lincoln documentary, and I was immediately bored.

"So, Ollie," my dad began. Without looking, I could tell that he had leaned forward. "Ollie," he called out again, but I kept my gaze on Lincoln as though I couldn't tear my eyes away. "Ollie, I know you don't care about Lincoln," he added as he flicked off the television.

I sucked in a deep breath and flipped my gaze to my dad.

"I want to talk about what you heard earlier, but first I have to ask: how are you?" His face was open and concerned.

"I'm..." I paused to think of my answer. People asked how I was all the time; my dad especially, but I never really stopped to think about my answer. "I'm confused and scared, a little lonely, but also happy and excited."

"Wow," my dad sat back, surprised by my candor.

"I remember that," V nodded. "Being a teen is the best, but it's also kind of the worst."

"I think that pretty much sums me up," I agreed. "And I'm sorry about eavesdropping earlier. I have no excuse."

"Apology accepted," V nodded.

"Ollie, you're a bit older now, and if you want, we can answer your questions," my dad continued. "You've always been curious about what happened, and I think it's fair that you know."

Both my dad and V looked tired. "Are you sure? It's not any of my business."

"Actually," V sucked in a big breath. "I think it's time you knew. Relationships are complicated and filled with consequences."

My heart plummeted. I didn't want to learn something that would make me change my opinion of them. I loved them both, and I loved them together.

"So, the car accident," my dad began. "Our car was hit on my side, and I shattered my shoulder. As you know, it ended any hopes of a baseball career, but..." My dad's face fell as V let a hand slide down his back.

"I had been pregnant at the time. It was unplanned. We were young and careless, but..." V's voice gave out. "I lost the baby that night."

"We lost the baby that night," my dad corrected as he pulled V closer to his side.

"We lost the baby that night," V agreed. "And I learned from my injuries that I couldn't conceive again."

As my head swirled and bile threatened my throat, a heat erupted deep inside me. This couldn't be true. It was too awful.

"I didn't handle things well," V began again. "Your father was so wonderful and patient," she cooed as she lifted a hand to brush a piece of hair out of his eyes. "But I was broken in a way that he couldn't fix." She wrapped her arms around his arm and leaned into his shoulder. "He wanted a family more than anything, and on top of me being such a mess, I couldn't take that from him."

"You are my family. You always have been my family," my dad argued.

"You have the family you were destined to have. This was how it was all supposed to happen," V soothed as she gazed into his face. She then dropped her gaze to me and continued. "You and your sister provided more healing than you'll ever know for both of us. Being your godmother has been the most rewarding part of my life. All the roads that led us here were the right ones, even if they were rocky and filled with mud."

"I'm so sorry." It felt small to say. "I shouldn't have even asked."

My dad clutched V's hand. "V is my best friend, and, as you have astutely observed, I've been in love with her for years. I tried to pretend it was just friendship, but when you find someone special, it just feels different."

"How does it feel different?" I asked.

My dad smiled. "I figured that's where we would end up. Aside from you and your sister, I want V happy, beyond happy. And, as luck would have it, my happiness is also a priority for her. That's what makes us special to each other. Love is selfless. It isn't love if you're in it for yourself. What makes falling in love special is that you both have that selflessness for each other. It's rare, but very worth it." My dad gently kissed V on her forehead.

"Thanks for telling me all this. Um, do you mind if I go to my room for a bit? I forgot to tell Seth something and want to catch him before the pizza comes." I shot.

"Yeah, of course. I'll let you know when it is here." My dad smiled.

"Thanks," I called over my shoulder as I was already halfway to my room. 

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