f o u r

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You looked around the place, the bar was dimly lit, just some red and blue lights around the place, the music was loud, almost as loud as the voices of the people present there. Goosebumps, travis scott, was been played through the speakers, you could see some people smoking, sighing in relief to be able to smoke inside.

Akaashi grabbed your hand, making you go after him. He followed Bokuto and you - Saeko, Alisa and the Miyas - followed both of you. Bokuto climbed a black spiral staircase, you grumbled a little, you wore heels - which was not your custom - and the stairs were ridiculously difficult to climb, worse with heels. You arrive in a more reserved part, with fewer tables and fewer people.

You raised your eyebrows at the sight of the boy who got to you first yesterday, making a point of looking for Kenma, but didn't find him. You shrugged, you didn't care anyway. You sat down at a table, Saeko and Atsumu stood up, as the two of you were too restless to stop in place. After a while talking and drinking, you were already a little drunk, even though you only had two beers and three glasses of gin and tonic, at the moment, you were drinking the fourth and like any person under the influence of the alcohol, just sitting still didn't please you, so you danced now and then with Saeko and went to the bar all the time to get something.

—I think I've seen you somewhere. - you shivered when you heard the voice in your ear, turning around and facing Kuroo, who was a few inches away from you.

—Serious?! At where? - you joked, making him laugh. You thanked the bartender for the drink and turned back to face Kuroo, who was practically pressing you on the bar counter.

—Hm... I don't remember, but there's no way to forget a pretty face. I hope you don't ask me about my friend again.

—Actually... I think today I can tell you my last name. - you smiled amusedly, Kuroo arched his eyebrows.

—Even with him there? - Tetsuro smiled slyly, pointing with his head to the side.

Your eyes slowly rolled to where he pointed, seeing Kenma sitting in a chair, fiddling with his cell phone and smoking a cigarette. He wasn't wearing a hoodie now, but a tank top and black ripped jeans. He had several tattoos all over his body, some rings and other accessories. He had his hair tied back, dark circles under his eyes and the usual tired face. You held back your smile at the sight of him, wondering how you hadn't seen him before.

—I figured you'd change your mind. - Kuroo said, due to your silence.

—I didn't say anything.

—Didn't have to. Go talk to him.

—Hm... I don't think so.- you smiled at him, shrugging your shoulders. - See you later... kitty. - you returned along with your friends, leaving Kuroo with a priceless smile on his lips.

—Who was? - Atsumu asked, pulling your waist and whispering in your ear.

—Acquaintance of mine, nobody important.

Atsumu stared at you, shrugging his shoulders and going back to talking to the others, along with you. You wouldn't admit it, but the urge to go talk to Kenma increased every time you looked at him. the half blonde hadn't looked at you yet, so you risked, almost every time, running your eyes over him. You shivered slightly when he stared at you, Kenma passed his eyes all over your body, you even got a little embarrassed, even though it wasn't your usual.

—Go talk to him before he devours you. - Akaashi said quietly from his side.

—I told you I got dumped, I won't talk to him.

—He didn't dump you, Bokuto said he's really busy. Go there before he disappears.

—I am not going. - Akaashi rolled his eyes.

—All right, he's coming here anyway.

You widened your eyes, seeing the brunette shrug his shoulders and go back to Bokuto's side, being hugged at the waist by the platinum. Kenma walked in lazy steps towards you, lighting another cigarette on the way and staring at you, you felt your heart skip a beat, but mentally cursing yourself for being so excited about his approach.

He was just one more for you. And you sure were just one more for him

—I told you we'd see each other again.

—I confess I thought it was a lame excuse for not giving me your number. - Kenma looked at you, chuckling.

—If I didn't want to give you my number, I would just say no. I was really in a hurry. - you raised your eyebrows, surprised by sincerity. - So I came to ask if you want to give me your number and maybe get out of here.

—Maybe another day, I'm in a hurry. - you joked, receiving a weak laugh from the half blond . - Where are you taking me?

— To my house. I'm not a big fan of going to places like this.

—Doesn't seem like it. Thats the second time I've found you in a place... like this.

—Places like these are my job... contradictory, but there's nothing to do about. - he shrugged. - So... let's go?

—I'll let Akaashi know that I'm going with you. I disappeared yesterday and I can't do it again.

—Probably Koutaro will take him too.

—To your house? - You arched your eyebrows.

—We live together... it's easier. Anyway, let him know.

You nodded, excusing yourself and going over to Akaashi, who was beside Bokuto. You warned him that you would go out with Kenma and said that you would send the location to his cell phone, just in case, after all, you never know what can happen. Bokuto said that he would also go home and take everyone with him, the idea wasn't a bad one, but you hoped it wouldn't get in the way of you and Kenma, whatever you're going to do.

You kissed Akaashi on the cheek and walked back to Kenma, who was typing something on his cell phone so fast that your eyes barely followed. As soon as you approached, he put the device away and you followed him to a kind of garage, with some cars there, you saw Bokuto's car, realizing that you didn't remember where he had put it, since he had left you at the door of the bar, so you soon realized that he kept it there too. Kenma walked up to a black Impala convertible getting in and you did the same.

—If you want to close the top, let me know. My house is a little far from here.

—No problem, its cool.

Kenma nodded, starting and leaving at a speed a little above the allowed, but no big deal. You smoked a cigarette while you had your eyes on the landscape. Kenma wasn't the most talkative person you'd ever met, but he sure as hell was one of the most beautiful ones. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as the touch of Ribs, Lord, the wind against his hair made him even more attractive to you. Occasionally he would ask a random question and you would answer, not sure how far to prolong the subject, as he never seemed interested enough. For the first time, you felt nervous going out with someone.

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