Chapter 1

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Unknown POV:

"You're bluffing. You're bluffing. Shifu didn't teach you that."

"Nope. I figured it out. Skadoosh."

"Ahh. *groan*" I exclaim, the groan in pain.

   Pain? Pain means alive, and if I am in pain then I'm alive, right? But how am I alive? That flabby panda used the Wuxi Finger Hold on me, I should be dead, unless he somehow messed it up and somehow did a less deadly version or something.

   I groan as I try  to sit up, but a paw rests on my chest, holding me down. I look up to see a beautiful snow leopardess standing there.

"You need to lay back down and rest. You have been severely injured." she says.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I question.

"My name is Mei-Len, you are in my home. I found you lying on the bank of the river near here." she says.

"And where is here? Why help me? Do you know who I am?" I question with attitude.

"The Valley of Serenity, and yes I know you are Tai Lung, I helped because, while yes you have done bad things, I believe that given the chance, bad people can change." she says.

"Change? Ha, why should I change? I should have been the Dragon Warrior. Not some stupid, flabby panda." I argue.

   With a slight giggle she continues. "There is more to life than some title."

"Ha, I could have had power, I would have been seen with greatness. People would have looked up to me. What could be more than that?" I ask arrogantly.

"*sigh* There is more thing in life than just power. You don't gain power by just a mere title. You gain it through hard work, which I don't doubt the you have worked hard, but also by respect and love. From my perspective, love and family can be a more powerful force than anything in life, and from what I heard about you, you had that. Shifu was a father to you, wasn't he?" she replies back.

"Yes, but he trained me, made me work until my bones cracked, and filled my head with the thought that I WAS the Dragon Warrior, and then Oogway denied me the title and Shifu just stood there and said nothing. After ALL my training, ALL of my hard work, he said nothing." I angrily say.

   She just looks at me with a sad look in her eye. That look, it seemed familiar. Then something in me snapped. A memory came to mind.


   I am so angry. Oogway denied me my title! I deserve that title, I worked my tail off to gain the Dragon Warrior title. I am so livid I can't think straight. How dare he. He destroyed my dream. That is when an idea came to mind. I smile.

"You destroy my dream Oogway? Then I will destroy everything you protect, starting with the Valley of Peace. Then I am coming to take the scroll by force." I say sinisterly.

*Time skip*

    I have to admit, it felt good destroying the Valley of Peace. It is the least of what I will do to get my revenge on Shifu and Oogway. Now it's time to take my scroll. I rush to the Jade Palace and bust through the doors, and who do I see but Shifu and Oogway standing in my way. I look to my right and see Jaio. I pause for a second, out of everyone, I still care for him.

"Little brother, please tell me you have not sided with them?! Join me brother and we both can be a very powerful force." I offer.

   There was deep sadness in his eyes. I could see a tear run down his right cheek.

"What have you done Tai?" Jaio asks, fear in his voice.

"Jai, please, after everything, it is what they deserve!" I say.

   Jai just shakes his head in sadness more tears running down his cheeks and walks to Shifu and Oogway. Fury is all I felt, even Jaio, my little brother, betrays me, after everything.

"Fine. You side with them, then you are the enemy as well!" I exclaim, going on the attack.

*End of Flashback*

   That was the last time I saw Jaio. The sadness in his eyes as he saw what I had become. Looking back I remember all the fun and good times I had with my little brother. I- I think I am starting to see what this snow leopardess means. When I was with Jai, I was completely happy, Jai looked up to me, and that was what made me work harder to become the Dragon Warrior, I wanted to be great for him. Whenever Jai was in danger, I was there to protect him, and when I was down and/or exhausted from training, he was always there to help me feel better. Having him there by my side felt more empowering than anything, and I forgot all of that in my anger.

"Are you ok?" Mei-Len asks.

   I look to her with a sad smile. "Yea, I guess I am now realizing what you mean."

"You want to talk about it?" she asks.

   I think on it and smile. "Years ago when I was sixteen I found a three year old tiger cub walking the streets of the Valley of Peace."

A Journey of Two BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now