Chapter 5

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Jaio's POV:

Finally home from a long journey. I enter my house and take off my tunic and set it on a railing in my house then sit down and relax. I am going to rest and take a good catnap before I get back up and go into town to resupply.

I lay down and shut my eyes, going to sleep.

Unknown POV:

"I can't believe we missed one. Lord Malek will not be happy about this."

"Well maybe he won't have to know."

"What do you mean?"

"You imbecile, I mean we kill him now so then, guess what, we didn't miss him. Then Lord Malek won't have to know."

"Ahh, good idea boss."

"Alright, start a fire and get your bows and arrows ready boys. We are going to burn him out first, then we'll kill him."

Jaio's POV:

I was deep in my catnap when I started to smell burning wood. Weird, the only wood close enough is... My eyes shot open and I see my house starting to flame up. It is quickly spreading and getting bigger. I jump up, grab my tunic and make my way to the door as quickly as possible. I get outside to see an army of wolves.

"You dare set my home a flame?!" I challenge.

A wolf, larger than the others, steps forward, their leader I presume. "It wouldn't of been fun if I just called you to come out here and then kill you, would it?" he says.

"Eh, I would have preferred having a house once I beat you all to a pulp." I angrily say back.

"Oh, you hear that boys, the kitty thinks that he can take us all on. GET HIM!" the lead wolf yells, leading the charge of his army.

I snarl and charge myself. One thing is for certain with how many wolves are here, this will be a long fight.

*One Hour Later*

Jeez, how many wolves are there? They are persistent, I will give them that. The fight is coming to an end though, there is only ten left out of the hundred that the fight started with that can really have a fighting chance. It had started to rain during the fight as well. I guess that is good for putting the fire out.

"I will give you credit, you guys are persistent pests." I say.

The wolf leader growls. "Yea, well I believe it a good thing. We wouldn't have been able to take out the tigers if we weren't."

I was shocked. "What?" I say, the shock of what the wolf said freezing me in place.

My shock allowed the wolf leader to charge me and he struck me hard with the sharp edge of his hammer, hitting me on the right side of my head, making me fly back into the burning rubble of my home.

"Let's go! Our work here is done!" I hear the wolf leader say, before I blacked out.

Tai Lung's POV:

It has been a few days since I met my nephew Peng and his girlfriend Li-An. We have been traveling further west in hope that we find the old tiger village and in hopes that Jai is still there.

"Uncle Tai, look." Peng says.

I look to where he is pointing and see and old, destroyed village.

"This has got to be it. What happened here?" I question.

"It must have been horrible." Mei-Len says.

I look around. This place is horrifying. I look down to the ground and see obvious pawprints.

"Look around, see if Jaio is still here, or see if you can find which way he went. He was definitely here. He may have ventured further in hopes to find what did this, so let's figure that out before we travel to the Valley of Xu." I say.

With that said we started to look around. There were pawprints everywhere, but none lead out of the village except ones going back east.

"I found a campfire! Looks to be a week and a half old at the least. That would match up to when we last saw Jaio in the Lin Ju village." Peng says.

"Well, I am going to say he more than likely headed back to his home. There are no other signs that suggest otherwise. So I say we rest up and first thing tomorrow we head towards the Valley of Xu.

And with that we set up camp.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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