Chapter 16: Back to Town

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No he did not just bite me- AGHH that vampire.. Damn it hurts, just how much blood did he drink?

Gah whatever, I better clean myself up before going down.
-30 minutes later-

..It's still pretty early, should I make breakfast?

You went downstairs and cooked breakfast for your aunt, jake, and you.


..I wonder what they're doing right now..


"Morning dear"

A soft feminine voice greeted from behind

Y/N: Oh, morning aunty!

Aunt: You were pretty silent going back here yesterday.

Y/N: Oh, heh~

Wow, you really can't predict those guys huh? They even took me home, weird, but good I guess..

Aunt: So what did you do with that guy named Sangwon?

Y/N: Uhh

Aunt: You left without saying a word.

Y/N: Sorry aunty

Y/N: We were just.. Hanging out, and, talk about some things and stroll around since we haven't done that for some time now.

A lie..

Aunty: Oh.. You guys must be pretty close huh.

Y/N: Yeah, an old friend of mine actually.

Lie, I can't mention that, I talked to a vampire. I don't want to talk bad about them, it's not like they did something bad to me, they even saved my life.

My aunt might ban me from going outside.

Y/N: Oh, morning Jake!

Jake: Hm. What did you make?

Y/N: Nothing much, just fried eggs and bacons. You guys can eat the bread I made.

Y/N: I'm going back to Avolire tomorrow.

Aunt: All of a sudden?

Y/N: Yeah, I have some business to do there.

Jake: So soon? :(

Y/N: Yeah. Sorry.

Aunt: Has something bothering you lately?

Y/N: No, nothing

Aunty: ...

Aunty: Just, take care of yourself okay?

Y/N: I will

You flashed a little smile

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