Chapter 26: Jungwon's Back Story

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I remember an elderly man taking me in, in a big cottage. He asked me "Where are your parents little boy?" And, I remember just shrugging.

"But seriously though, where are your parents?"

"Probably dead, I don't remember anything aside from being alone in a town and watch humans do whatever they do."

"How'd you survive?"


"Oh... C-continue"

6 other kids were there, I was probably the last child he took in. I didn't even bother weather I was kidnapped or adopted.

And so, the day's went pretty normal actually. He fed us and, I don't know how but, he gave us blood everyday. The kids and I played. I remember this one day where he injected us-not really, it was more of like the thing but sucking our bloods.

He checked our teeth, and did weird but harmless experiments.

"You're a special kind" He said, I don't know what that meant, but I just didn't care.

Well according to my young self, it felt like home there... I was really surprised we were the same kind, he taught of some human stuff, hunting, and plus, he was really kind, he wasn't scared of us, he loved us.

One day he was really sad and he'd gone a little crazy that time when one had gone missing.

It was, Jake, your so-called cousin. He ran away. We had no idea why, but for weeks he searched for him, Jake left no clues at all... Eversince that day he would strictly keep us in the cottage, not letting those happen again.

"Once all of you vampires are old enough, you can go travel on your own, and survive. Your abilities may be a good use too." He said to all of us.


"But I have to remind you, Humans also have lives, each of them are meaningful and precious.
If they have feelings, so do you. I want you all to be considerate even if your unique kind is known to be emotionless and heartless. Be careful. Taking someone's life won't change anything. Taking someone's life is never a good thing, and will never be."

The old man stopped on his tracks before continuing.. "You will only have each other by the time I'm gone."

"Psh, not this kind of sad-life talk again." Ni-ki frowned, earning a light hit from the eldest, Heeseung

"Be quiet Ni-ki or I'll cut your fangs off" Heeseung whispered, Ni-ki rolled his eyes

"Don't worry gramps, we'll take good care of you!" Sunoo exclaimed

"Thank you for that Mr. Sunshine, and yes, it all starts with the laughing and stuff. But mark my words young ones, Think ahead- and the consequences you'll be facing."

And probably... 9 years was it? We were still together along with the old man, crazy right? We're probably expected to be seperated or have that old man lifeless and dried up. But, it's far from that.

Not until one night expecting to be greeted by the usual routine. Instead, we saw him sitting on the ground with his back rested on the counter. First thing we noticed is how we smelled no blood in him. In which, the blood inside him, is now in a huge container.

We could see the structure of his bones clearly. Oh hell was he cold.

You guessed it, he's dead. I felt nothing in this situation, as in nothing. Not sure why though. People would normally get sad and cry right? But no one among the seven of us did. The aura around us were filled with emptiness, fear and sadness couldn't be traced.

Sunghoon: Oh, he left us a letter.

Hello vamps, by time you're reading this, I'm dead. My life is now in a jar on top if the counter table, All of you will probably ask why.
Simple, I couldn't get more so I took my own life and give it to all of you. Besides, I have nothing to do now, I'm old.

And don't forget to share it like always.

-Your old gramps

Ni-ki: Pft, cause he couldn't get more?

Heeseung: Thanks for being considerate old gramps.

The eldest leaned on the counter, eyeing the unfortunate

Jay: So.. Where should we disposed the body?

Sunoo: Bad decision to be honest, could've set us free.

Jungwon: Hey don't drink all of that!

Sunoo: Geez, okay. It tastes a bit salty anyway.

Sunghoon: Well, let this be our meeting place. See you guys whenever. I'm going.

Jungwon: What? Seriously?

Sunghoon disappeared into thin air, nowhere to be seen...

Jay: Hoon's really unpredictable, guess we'll probably see each other
the next century.

Sunoo: So we're going to act like nothing happened? Like casually disappearing?

Heeseung: We're old enough Sun. Let's go explore or maybe we could even see Jake. Sunghoon's right, let this be our meeting place.

Jungwon: Sigh~ I'm going too. See you bro's.

Sunoo: Is this even normal? Hey Jung- you kidding?

Heeseung: Today marks the end of our journey together, thanks old gramps for the love and care. Come on let's go.

Sunoo: Seriously? Like nothing happened.

Ni-ki: I'm coming too.

Heeseung: 'Course you are kiddo.

Ni-ki: What about the body and the bloo-

Sunoo: Eh leave it, it'll be consumed soon once the others smell it.

The four took a last glance at the area, the place where they made good memories that's bound to disappear soon.

Emptiness filled but the sounds of the crickets, trees and the gush of wind. And so, the night goes on to a new start and a new journey...

Weird how they didn't even give the slightest acknowledgment to the human who took care of them for almost a decade.

Rest In Peace old man.

Sunoo: Ok but, let's not be dramatic, we can come back soon anytime.


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