New home ☣💫

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A/N: Vampire Nightmare and Human Killer AU. Contains some toxicity but you'll be able to handle it right?

Killer ran and ran, he was being chased by two hungry vampires. He ran deeper into the forest, he was almost out of breath but he didn't stop. If he did he would be dead. Then he bumped into something, he fell on the snow covered ground and thought it was game over.

He opened his eyes and saw a person with dark brown skin and with glowing torquoise eyes, he knew this person. And he knew that this person...

Wasn't human.

"When are you going leave me alone?!" Killer barked, the figure in front of him chuckled and kneeled on one knee in front of Killer and answered "When you die from old age darlin'." Killer sighed and groaned "Why are you still after me... we broke up a decade ago, and you already have that slut."

The figure carressed Killer's face and whispered into his ear, "Oh darling... I could never leave you. Besides, you misunderstood. That was Horror and Lust." But Killer didn't believe him.

"Nightmare, Just leave me alone..." Nightmare sighed and stood up "Why?" Nightmare asked clenching his fist. Killer only stared at the ground and rubbed his shoulders, indicating he was cold.

Nightmare couldn't bare to watch this scene and picked up Killer and carried his bridal style. Killer looked at Nightmare and answered "I don't wanna go back to your castle" Nightmare raised a brow and understood Killer's words.

His place was a...

Was a...


Let's just say...

A Lifeless, cold, and sad place.

A castle filled with vampires who loathed Killer.

Back in the old days, Killer used to live there with Nightmare as his lover. But he didn't like the place and never adjusted to It. He was forced to stay there and was forbidden to go outside. The staff tried to murder, make him look bad, turn him into a vampire but failed. Thanks to Nightmare.

"...We can find a new home, how does that sound?" Nightmare said, he was ready to leave his home to find a new one with his "lover". "Yeah I'd like that..."

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