102. "now, without you, what on earth am I to do?"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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We had that kind of love

I thought that it would never end


          HOW DID SHE DO IT?

How was she able to spend most of her years alone? Had she become so dependant on her friend's company to the point that she could not find any way to function by herself?

How did she ever become the way she was now? It was as if the mere thought of being alone again felt like something so impossible, but now that she must suffer the suffocating loneliness once again, she began to regret being s accustomed to her friend's presence.

She regretted ever letting her guard down.

As the hot wind of summer blew through her face mockingly while she sat on the windowsill of Ron's room, a leg dangling out as she looked out toward the aimless yonder while she pretended as if the ghoul that was pretending to be Ron with spattergroits in the attic over the room was never there. She found it ridiculously hard to feel any type of emotion whatsoever. The sky was beautiful, clear, and blue; the scenery was peaceful and quiet with the only sound was the present birds chirping, so why couldn't she sense any sort of happiness?

It's because your happiness was ripped away the moment they vanished.

Yeah, that could certainly be it as well.

Since that fateful evening where everything fell into chaos, her once tranquil heart had never stop from its storming state.

She had never been so tempted to see the world burn before... She wanted to set it on fire.

But she refrained herself, for she knew that would bring her no benefits if she were to do so. It would only end up being a bother to her than to release the stress she had been repressing this whole.

It would probably prove to be much more of a stressful job than to pretend that the remaining Weasleys in the Burrow were not watching her every move.

She was no fool. She knew what they have been doing — she could sense the eyes that were looking her way, observing her, tense like they were waiting for her to just jump and try to kill herself via the height she would always be in and for them to catch her before she could. It felt as though she was under the watchful eyes, and while she didn't like it, she refrained herself from vocalising it.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now