3 | agent potts

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( agent potts )


Toni sighed, hands slightly shaking as she lifted up her papers to go over them. Yet there was no need for her to go over them again after she had learned them by heart purely from how many times her eyes traced the words on the papers.

Her story, her documents, everything she needed to settle down as peacefully as possible and wait to return to her original timeline.

Now there's the thing. When she came up with the story for herself during 40s time period . . . well let's just say she never actually expected to find herself in the 40s time period. It was crazy (not that much, but for her it was) dump and above all required her to do things she might not be willing or capable to.

Not necessarily things she wasn't capable of. She was very much capable of doing them but some of those she had done a very long time ago and the others she only knew in theory but never actually tried.

"Antonia Potts!" A woman called out and Toni nearly jumped out of her seat, startled. She rushed down the hall while attempting to smooth out her clothes that she got in the first shop she saw.

"That's me." She said, forcing herself to smile at the woman before her.

The woman eyed her up and down and to someone who didn't know anything about her Toni would have passed for a dame from the 40's. The woman nodded, opening a door and gesturing for Toni to go inside. "Colonel Phillips will see you now."

Toni didn't know how to reply to that or if she should reply to it at all. So she simply offered a nod and went inside. She rubbed her palms against the material of her skirt upon landing her eyes on the man sitting behind a desk.

She wouldn't necessarily describe him as intimidating or mean looking but he wasn't exactly the most welcoming person. He was an older man with thinning (balding) hair. And had what she would describe as slightly bigger ears. His eyes showed nothing and neither did his face and Toni didn't exactly trust people she couldn't read.

Dammit Toni, it's the second World War. What do you want him to do? Sing the Winx Club theme song?

"Antonia Potts, right?" He asked and when he looked at her she felt as if he was trying to look into her very being.

"Yes," she mumbled, pushing a lock out of her face. "Yes, sir." She then repeated, louder but not too loud.

"Sit down, Potts." The Colonel replied gesturing at the chair opposite from him. Toni didn't smile, she didn't nod, in fact, for probably the first time in her life she just did what she was told to do.

Now, sitting opposite of his she started realizing how bad of the idea it actually was to try doing this. So what if she made a few papers back in the 21st century. She could've just found a little apartment and lived there happily until she went back.

She didn't listen to the two soldiers talk often, mostly trying to ignore them because that's what she did with people who hurt her. She ignored them. But she couldn't help but remember Bucky telling a story about how Steve joined the army with forged papers.

And if Steve could do it then so can she.

Although Steve joining the army went a bit different than that. Well a lot different than that because if somebody told her the skinny guy she met mere hours ago is the same giant full of muscles from her time . . . she would have laughed. In fact she would have laughed like she never had in her entire life. She would have thought that it was the funniest joke ever if only she hadn't seen the pictures of what Steven Rogers looked like when he was still skinny.

Toni put the folder with all of her files on the table, inhaling a breath when Phillips reached forward to take them. He opened the folder, reading over the documents, occasionally glancing at her before his eyes would go back to the papers.

Toni felt like he was either trying to read her, or judging her for something. Or both - she couldn't really be sure. But whenever her eyes would meet his on accident she would look away, suddenly pretending to be interested in the painting hanging on the walls of his office.

After a short while he cleared his throat. Raising the folder up a bit and adjusting the papers inside. "Antonia Eden Potts, born May 29th 1911. to Hugo and Mary Potts. You from New Orleans, Potts?"

She looked up at him, nodding her head. Clint be damned with all of the series he watches. He wouldn't shut up about some vampire original or originals shit that took place in New Orleans and now here she was - pretending to be from New Orleans when in fact she only visited the place once and didn't even remember that much of it considering hse was drunk most of time she was there.

"Yes, sir. Born and raised."

"Never would have guessed. You just don't give of the . . . what do you kids call it . . . the vibe." He hummed, returning back to his task of reading the documents out to her. "You were an agent back in New Orleans and are now transferred here. According to your skill set you can -"

"With all due respect, sir." She cut in, placing her hands in her lap and intervening them, pressing the fingers of one hand into the knuckled of the other.

"I already know what my documents say, in fact I know every sentence that is there." Phillips furrowed his brows, looking irritated by her interruption but since she already started Toni planned to finish. "Which is why I fail to see the point of you reading them out. I think it would be in both of our best interests to tell me where to go next and what my orders are."

Colonel Phillips opened the drawer in his desk and put her folder inside, then turned to look at her. She wanted to look away from his glare but she didn't allow herself to. She's Toni fucking Stark and she'd be dammed if he let a man intimidate her.

"With all due respect, Potts," he mimicked her, "watch your tongue. Get up." The way he said it made Toni not even think about not getting up. She didn't know what was going to happen next but the treatment of women here sure wasn't the same like it was in her time.

So she got up, huffing out and keeping her face emotionless like a facade. Phillips remained sitting, he leaned back in his chair and looked at her. "Down the hall, ask the secretary for Agent Carter, she'll help you get settled in. As for your orders . . . we'll let's se how you adapt to the change first, why don't we?"

"Very well." She said with a small nod. "If I may, I'll be leaving now."

"You may," Phillips told her. It was only when she reached the door and her hand wrapped around the doorknob when he spoke again. "And Agent Potts - welcome to SSR."

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