The epiphany

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Chapter 1

We met the day my heart got broken. Like the idiot I am, I had let myself trust another person so completely, so blindly that when they broke my trust, I shattered. It wasn't a moment I wanted anyone to witness, nor did anyone have the right to see it. It was the moment when a cool guy like me showed his weakness, how can I let anyone see it, but Sarawat saw me. while I was blinded by tears and deaf to my surrounding, or rather while I was screaming into my surroundings and grabbing my chest like I could catch all the pieces of my broken heart, Sarawat was at one corner watching me. Like a creep.

Anyway, this guy knew too much about me. We are sitting in the usual café waiting for the next class as we eat. Well, I am sitting, that guy is talking to some girl outside. I can see them through the window whenever I casually glance at them. I don't think I know her. Hair dyed blonde, a little round around the waist and hips, and wearing heavy makeup, she wasn't from our department. Girls from our department didn't have the time to put on that much make-up. Who is she though? There are very few people Sarawat knows that I don't and he keeps talking to her like he knows her or something. The guy is always talking to girls and they are always looking to talk to him and if they are lucky he'll talk them into his bed. I can't say I don't know what they see him, that asshole is pretty handsome and he can sing so I guess I can sort of see the attraction. It's just... why can't I get used to it.

My leg is bouncing up and down and I am trying to practice my lip-reading skills, but I really have no idea what they are saying that's taking so damn long.

Damn. When did I start getting antsy anytime Sarawat is talking to a girl? Sometimes, when it's unbearable, I would even interrupt them, like I am getting up to do now.

"Hey," I call through the window like I can't be bothered to go out and speak to them. "We have class soon," I said and I am not even his personal reminder. What am I even doing?

He turns towards me, looks me up and down then ignores me like I am a light cool breeze. I don't get ignored by Sarawat often so my irritation level spikes really high, like a sugar addict with diabetes. What the hell. Is talking to her that interesting? Fuck. I squeeze up my cheeseburger wrapper and throw it at his head. It snaps into his hand and he goes, "haha. What are you doing?" right in my face, like I'm a stupid child. Well, screw him. I'm off.

I return to our table and grab my bag over my shoulder only for some asshole to pull it off and place it right back where I took it from. "Just five minutes, Tine. You only lasted five minutes."

I pretend to hit him before sitting my butt down again. I look at the door and glimpse that the make-up girl is gone. "What did she want that it took an eternity to give her."

I probably sound casual, and not like the jealous girlfriend I'm not.

"So impatient, " Sarawat said, shaking his head at me and pulling out his phone from his jeans pocket.

"What did she want?" I repeat. It's just a question. I just wanted to know, I'm not demanding an answer but he better damn well answer cause he knows I'm not going to drop it till forever.

"Her brother isn't coming to the game today is what she came to tell me."

"oh." She was one of Sarwat's teammate's sister? I don't even recognize her. Or maybe I do; now her face is slowly coming to me. She is just one of the few girls that come to the university's football team locker room.

"Wait, for five minutes?" My brain just caught on to the fact that they were talking for an awfully long time about something that wouldn't even take me ten words to text.

Sarawat shrug and lift his shoulder before a smartass smirk appeared on his lips. "Among other things."

Oh. Just fucking oh. Of course. "Don't tell me you are planning to screw your teammate's sister."

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