The promise

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Author's note: hey guys. I didn't mention this in the previous chapter but this novel would span over a few years so look out for the time skips. chapter 2

The party is going on in earnest. There is lots of drinking, screaming and dancing. I can't even see the floor and I keep bumping into people. This party is wild. There are girls everywhere and many of them are smiling at me and touching me. They like me. They want me to ask them out. They want to go to a quiet corner with me and have a good time.

Yet all I am doing is dancing, drinking, and staring at the person sitting at the bar. Sarawat of course came with me. There he is looking like he belonged there, but at the same time like he was above everyone else. I guess his rich boy vibes are hard to miss even in this bad lighting. He was put out when I informed him that I was going to the club tonight.

"I'm beat, "he said, "I don't feel like going anywhere."

"Who said you had to come?"

He sat up on the bed—my bed—all tiredness pushed away. "What? You are going alone?"

"Yup" I was putting on my accessories in a jolly mood, already eager to be dancing. I was humming a song I couldn't quite remember since it's been so long since I have been to a club.

"Why all of a sudden. Can't we just stay in and order food."

"You do that, I know the game took a lot out of you. You didn't even go to celebrate your win with the team."

"Well." Sarawat yawned. "This week has been a lot busier than the others. Why do you have to go to a club all of a sudden?"

"I need to get a girlfriend," I announced. If I have to humiliate myself once more time by expecting some kind of romantic development between me and Sarawat, I might just lose my mind. He is my best friend, he is male and he is obviously straight as a knife. He isn't having a sexuality crisis like me.

"And you need to go to a club for that?"

"You can't blame me, all the girls in my department are either taken or career-driven and not interested in romance. It's not like I can just walk up to any girl on the street and ask her out."

"I can hook you up, you know."

"No way!" I turned down the offer a little too vehemently and we both hear the awkward silence.

"What the—"now he looked displeased and a little suspicious. "What, you don't like the girls I know."

"No offense, Sarawat, but the girls you know are way out of my league for one thing and if they decide to date me they would only be dating me for you. Plus they are just too expensive to keep around."

"What do you mean they are out of your league." he laughed at me. "You are hot, Tine."

I tickled to the root of my hair with pleasure at the words and the way he said 'You are hot, Tine.' I was tempted to tease him, ask how hot he thought I am, and prolong the topic till he could maybe sense that I could be something more than a friend to him. I had the most random thought sometimes.

I cringed and looked him in the eye. "Still don't want to."

"Okay fine. I guess I better go get ready."

"You don't have to come with me, Sarawat."

"You are a lightweight, Tine. Do you think I am going to be able to sleep knowing you are out there drunk? I don't think so."

"I can handle my drink," I said as he walked past me. "I don't need a babysitter, Okay!"

"Yeah, yeah."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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