Chapter Ⅳ

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Lazlus watched the female rearranging his office for the twentieth time pausing for the fourth time in a row before she quickly shook her head and continued organizing his drawers. He'd previously seen her glancing at the photo on his desk and guessed that she'd been thinking and zoned out multiple times; though zoning out wasn't common for L/n, she's human too.

He rolled his eyes, sighed, and put his head down. "You can stop now. Go home, it's late." Lazlus looked over to L/n who was also glancing over at him. But instead of responding or questioning him like she usually did when he was releasing her early, she only nodded, finished up what she was doing, and headed to the door of his office.

"Good night, sir. Stay safe." L/n walked out the door, but not long after, her phone seemed to have rung since she stopped, pulled out her phone, pressed something, and answered it. She paused for a moment and nodded, but the words that stood out to Lazlus more was her saying, 'yes, sir.' because L/n never called anyone other than him and his father; but she quickly turned around and walked back into the room, holding her phone out to him. "Sir, your father would like to talk to you."

Small, short strands of h/c hair began falling out of L/n's bun, considering it was beginning to get late and the bun had been in since six forty-five this morning and it seemed that the bun seemed to have reached the end of its lifespan. But L/n didn't flinch nor even acknowledge the hairs that fell in front of her eyes.

Lazlus disregarded L/n's appearance and took the phone, putting it on speaker so that if he were to get into an argument with his father, she could at least restrain him a bit, or even snap him out of the spur of the moment that could be labeled as 'pointless'.

Mainly because no one ever won.

"Damian, you need to get married soon. I did not appoint you as the new CEO so that my company could fall apart." The voice was cold and seeped with venom and anger. But although the voice sounded so harsh and so unfiltered, neither Damian nor Y/n flinched at his tone of voice.

"Oh? And who is meant to be my future wife?" Lazlus' eyes harshened at his own words, L/n looking away to not be pulled into the oncoming argument by Lazlus.

"Well, you denied Delilah; you said that she was ugly and a gold digger. You said that both of the sisters, Ashley and Ashlynn were cake faces, and the moment you stepped into the summer sun you could see the makeup slipping off their faces. Then, you've denied Hannah, Rio, Cassandra, Tiffany, Kimberley, Lonai'ah, and Freyah; and there's always more! You deny them all." A bit of clatter happened in the background of Lazlus senior's background, but the focus of it all was Daniel's sighing of annoyance.

Daniel gasped as if he were having an 'Aha!' moment. "You could marry Y/n, you two grew up together and you both know each other fully." The smile on Daniel's face was audibly evident. "Yes, yes. That's a very good idea. What do you two think?"

Damian smiled at the idea, but his hand covered his mouth to prevent Y/n from seeing it. Y/n's face stayed expressionless, but internally, she did not like the idea of getting married to the man in front of her. "Well father, that sounds like a wonderful idea."

"Sir, I apologize, but no." Damian's eyes clouded with a tinge of fury. He didn't mind the thought of others rejecting him, but Y/n? That was not a happy thought for him.

"Why not? Are you with someone else?" Daniel's voice came out from Y/n's phone and Damian looked at Y/n with confusion-filled eyes.

L/n was taken aback by Daniel's question. "Well, no but..." She came up with a half lie on the fly. "I don't exactly think, that I'm a very good suitor for–Damian." The room quickly went quiet as they all knew the truth.

L/n was raised to be a suitor for Damien, she knew him best, she grew up with him. "Y/n, you not want to marry Damian?" Y/n sweatdropped.

"No...that's not it." A tight smile stretched across her face and her eye twitched in slight annoyance. "I'm just not exactly ready to get married to anyone..."

"That's fine, you just need to have our grandchildren!" Roselina, the light of the house, the cheeriest of the three-person family. She always wore a smile on her face and was never upset, sad, worried, or tense.

Y/n's eyebrow twitched and she closed her eyes to prevent the deep annoyance in her eyes. "Ma'am, I'm not ready to have a child either..." She spoke through clenched teeth and rubbed her temples in a weak attempt to prevent the upcoming headache.

"Oh." Roselina's footsteps were obvious as you could hear the clatter and her voice continue once again in the background.

Daniel sighed. "Do you at least intend on ever dating anyone? You could date Damian, try it out." The usually harsh voice, which never softened for anyone, never had a filter, and never revealed anything other than aggression, finally softened and sounded a bit desperate.

Y/n sighed and shook her head, setting her forehead on her hand, feeling an oncoming headache that came like a landslide, maybe even an avalanche. "I'll–I'll try."

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