Chapter ⅫⅠ

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Y'all, I'm sorry that I died 💀
I went and am currently on vacation, and for about a month now, I've touched nothing that I've written in a very long time because of a lack of motivation and immense writer's block, but then I randomly got motivation and decided to finish this chapter, so, yk👍🏽
I apologize if it's short, been looking for a place to escalate the story for a very long time so 💀

Please do enjoy! 🥲

Y/n simply hated it all. She wanted to just die, right then and there. The awkward silence between her and her boss was unbearable. Poking at her food, her mind raced with thoughts about how and why she even accepted coming to the outing, but then she remembered how Damian asking her to come out with him was more of a demand and less than a request, and that she didn't exactly even have a choice either way.

"Is the food not to your liking? Would you like to get something else?" Damian's eyes examined the female in front of him in every way he could, taking note of how Y/n hadn't even touched her food yet.

"Sir... it's 11:30 A.M. I usually don't eat around this time, therefore..." Y/n took a breath, feeling nervous at how Damian's eyes progressively got darker as she spoke. "I'm not exactly hungry right now." Y/n sweat dropped, not wanting to make him more upset than he already was.

Damian's eyes swirled with an unreadable emotion, not helping that his face was completely expressionless. Though, after a moment of silence from the man, he called over a nearby waiter and asked for a to-go box for Y/n. She sighed in relief, but her relief was short-lived when Damian opened his mouth to speak again.

"I'd like to go shopping for books— with your assistance, of course." She could've sworn that she saw a tint to his cheeks before composing himself and clearing his throat.

"Ah, alright. I'd like to assist you." With a faint smile on her face, Y/n stood up and grabbed the box of food that was in front of her.

With a smile on his face, Damian led Y/n away and out of the mall, and back to his car.

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