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Pat "I'll transfer you the money" said to the shopkeeper and run out of the place
leaving pran fully confused he never saw pat like this yes pat is a crazy crackhead but now pat is looking like a confused puppy

Pran : "What happened to him"

He just shrugged the thoughts and started to look at guitar strings

While pat was trying to calm himself

"Right now I shouldn't think about anything just relax and think about it after you calm your heart and mind"said pat to himself he took his phone and messaged pa that he's leaving to his dorm

And left from there


The surprising turn of events seemed to have confused Pat on levels he didn't know he could be in.

So next day
Pat decided to ask Korn
"which I think was the wrongest person to ask tbh"pat signed to himself and asked to Korn

Pat : "How can we know that we have feelings for someone?"

At first, Korn joked around saying that the only thing that can make the heart beat fast should be ghosts.
This made Pat sigh again
so Korn decided to be serious for once.

Korn : "Ok Ok aside from ghosts the hearts beat faster if we're together with someone we like"

Pat turned to Korn

Pat :"but Could also be possible that it's only because the person is excited"
Korn nodded.

Korn :"if it's just the heartbeat then you probably couldn't see the difference. But
If you feel jealous for that person, then you surely like the person"

Korn patted pat shoulder and went from their

So to see if he feels jealous He searched pran everywhere but couldn't find him

"I guess pran is in library"said to himself while going towards their

On the other hand

It's getting harder for pran to hide his feelings for pat and sooner he realizes the depth of what he thought to be just a simple crush. It's one complicated feat, but thankfully a big event is coming giving him the chance to sort his feelings. As the musical competition approaching,so he's making himself bust with that and avoiding his feelings

He was busy while doing his assignment while suddenly someone stood infront
He looked up and whispered in annoyance

Chai :"What are you doing?"
He asked with a sheepishly smile

"Sleeping"pran said and started to do his work tha other just enjoying pran cute face

Chai :"Huh would you like to have an assistant"

Pran : "No need and what is your problem don't you have your own business to deal"

Chai :"it's my business you're my business"

Pran just looked at him annoyed he know what the older was doing but it's waste of time when he already gave his heart to someone who wouldn't even recognize his feeling
(Oh boy how wrong you're)
But now he just want to deal with the senior

Pran :"If you're interested in me then quit it you're wasting your time and mine"

Chai :"Well you should try to give me a chance tho"

Pran :"I'm sorry p I can't return the feeling you have.you deserve better so try to move on"

Chai :"for now I know you're single so I won't give up"

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 | 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐍 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now