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Ignore my grammatical mistakes


Pat sat brooding outside their dorm room, fury shimmering under his skin as he waited for Pran who still hadn't come back from wherever he had gone after the contest finished

He was also downright wasted having downed shot after shot earlier.
He saw pran coming with a guy which made him so furious while looking at the guy. he just want to rip that guy into pieces

pat saw the guy ruffling pran head

Pat: "How dare he? Arghh I want to kill him....ufff calm down Pat calm down"

Pran looked surprised on seeing him and then apprehensive on registering the (definitely there) storm brewing on his face

"Come here" he growled lowly at Pran unable to bear him standing beside the unknown guy even for one more second

Pran began walking towards him slightly mollifying him. Pran looked at me confused but rolled his eyes

I try to calm myself but looking at them this close

Pat: "Who are you to him?"

Khai: "And do you think I'll say you and Who are you first I never saw you with pran......"

Pran: "Nothing P'khai don't mind him just go from here I'm not interested in seeing any of this drama"

Khai: "Are you sure you're gonna be fine"

Pat: "What do you mean by that he's fine with me as he said you can leave"

Pran: "Will you please shut your mouth and go from here"

Khai: "Are you sure? You don't have anything"

Pran: "There is no need for that and as I said before nothing means nothing"

So I was nothing in his eyes I saw that man go from there Pran looked back at me I was about to approach him he went from there

I know he must go to the terrace to calm himself well I'm gonna follow him

I went to the terrace and my guess is right he was on the terrace I went near him he first looked at me again he started to walk away from me I blocked his way


Pran: "Aii Pat what is your problem?"

Pat: "Who is he?"

Pran "Why should I answer you? Mind your own business"

Pat: "Am I nothing to you?"

Pran:"*sigh* Pat what gotten into you? Why should I answer all your questions? we're not a thing. We're not even friends so why should I say everything to you?"

Pat smiled sadly "Right we're not even friends. oh because we're enemies right? From childhood, they hate each other, and never care about each other huh?

"We're nothing to each other, right? But not for me"

Pran looked at him confused his eyes are filled with tears "don't tell me you started to feel confused about your feeling I guess you're not in your right mind you're just confused about something"

"What? Why would I fight with you and why would I want to get insulted by you? I just want your attention and if it's you I can gladly get insulted if that makes you my attention! Why does your scent calm me? Why do I feel like wrapping you in my arms and not letting you go away from me? Why do I find any chance to be with you?
Why do I feel I can make myself a dumb fool if it means I can get to see your smile, why do I feel hurt whenever you're sad? Why does your mood affect me? why do I feel happy just by looking at your dorm door? Why do I flirt with you knowing how it makes you flustered, even after your flustered state you never back down it makes me so damn happy, Wherever I go my heart still chases you my mind only thinks about you, why I feel it is unfair when you treat your friend with so much kindness love and affection while I don't even get some basic kindness from you? Why do I want to be more than a friend to you? And about the kiss, you're saying yes it's something that made me happy that I lost my first kiss to you.
Do you still think I'm confused about my feeling no I'm sure about my feeling towards you pran"

Pran who was listening to everything got tears in his eyes which were flowing continuously down his cheeks

"What are you trying to say? Do you want the kindness that I show to my friends? Do you want us to be friends"Pran asked slowly he's scared to accept what Pat was trying to say
He's not stupid to not understand Pat feeling after Pat himself revealed his feelings he's just scared to face the reality.
And pat could see through pran eyes that he was scared

Pat: "No"

With that, Pat closed the distance between himself and the plan
They both are looking at each other Pat kissed him first and slowly moved his lips pran closed his eyes feeling pat lips on his
Pat slowly pulled away from the kiss and looked at pran.
Pat was hesitating

but Pran couldn't hold back anymore he pulled Pat into another passionate kiss

He devoured his lips tasting Pran's delicious scent pushing even further into his mouth

This was it

This was his person

His home

He had finally, finally arrived at his destination

He grinned delightedly as he pulled back finally opening his eyes with joy inside him, but still holding onto Pran unable to let him go

For Pat, it was a relief. He has finally figured out his feelings And
For Pran, the kiss is melancholy.
The confusion, The pain, The pressure, as they are shocked by the extraordinary love confession and the sensual lingering kisses. It almost felt like a dream. Because in reality, they cannot be together. They have to think about their parents and their friends, it will become a war if they found two boys being in love. They obviously can't ignore everybody around them. And their happiness is short-lived.
They both pulled away from each other pran was crying Pat seems relieved, that he has finally confessed his feelings.
Pran is heartbroken. He has been pining over Pat for so long. So, when he realizes that his one-sided love wasn't one-sided, he should have been happy, right? But he is confused
Doesn't Pat was the one who said he liked ink then why did he kiss me

Pran was still crying thinking about that pat smiled at him and caressed Pran's cheeks trying to reassure him

(It's ok I'm here now)

Pran suddenly stepped back from his hold, his expression closing off together and just...

Just walked away from there

Pat stood there he sadly smiled at the way pran went


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