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Ignore my grammatical mistakes

Pran is heartbroken. He has been pining over Pat for so long. So, when he realizes that his one-sided love wasn't one-sided, he should have been happy, right? But he is confused
Doesn't Pat was the one who said he liked ink then why did he kiss me

Pran was still crying thinking about that pat smiled at him and caressed Pran's cheeks trying to reassure him

(It's ok I'm here now)

Pran suddenly stepped back from his hold, his expression closing off together and just...

Just walked away from there

Pat stood there he sadly smiled at the way pran went


Pran went to his room and locked the door
Sat on the floor while leaning again the Door

Suddenly he heard a knocking sound which startled him

"Pran open the door let's talk this out"

Pran didn't say anything he was silent

"Just tell me what you are thinking" Pat pleaded at him looking upset

"J-just go to your room" he sighed feeling extremely tired all of a sudden.

"I want to talk about today... we"

"I have nothing to say about that" he interrupted before Pat could finish that sentence

"Really?" Pat asked knocking on the door
"Come out and talk to me...you say "Nothing. Nothing to say about the fact that I kissed you and you kissed me back"

"U kissed me back Pran"

"Because I couldn't help myself. I have been dreaming about that for years. I just want to feel this for once"Pran wanted to scream these words but shut himself

He was getting frustrated at his thoughts
He opened the door making pat fall on pran who was leaning against the door but pran balanced himself

Pran pushed pat harshly and shouted

"Why did u kiss me?" he shouted at Pat instead"Why did u kiss me when u told me u liked Ink"

"Why did u when u are courting Ink" "What??" Pat gaped

"I'm not courting Ink" Pat spluttered recovering after some minutes

"Really!!! U are the one who's always skipping classes to be with her. U are always out having your meals with her" his voice was gradually increasing in volume as he let everything he has been frustrated about" You were the one who was relieved when I told u that I didn't like her" he shouted standing face to face with Pat

"What am I supposed to think?" he said evenly taking a deep breath" What am I supposed to think when you kissed me when you told me to my face that you like someone else?"

His eyes were slowly filling with tears. He was just a second away from completely breaking down. It hurt like hell to admit all this out loud.

"You are right," Pat said plummeting his heart to the ground, "I did say that day that I liked Ink"

Pran didn't want to listen to this anymore He tried to lock the door only to be stopped by Pat who had taken hold of his arm "Please just listen to me"

"No don't" Pat pleaded to turn him so that they were facing each other again, "Just listen"

"What??" he sniffed looking anywhere
But his pat

"I skipped class to meet her because she asked me to be her model
It is fully about business. We did meet once or twice to eat but that was just casual. Just something friends do. I never even mentioned courting to her"

Pran: "U said.."

"Yes I told u that I like her," Pat said interrupting him " But who told u that I am right all the time"

Pran looked at pat

"Yes, I'm not right all the time...I didn't listen to my heart but whatever I said on the rooftop is all true...the words I spoke are all from my heart pran. I love the way you comfort me I love the way you fight with me I love everything about you pran
I love the way you are pran"

Pran: "Y-you are saying the truth right?"

Pat: "When did I ever lie to you"

"This itself a big lie," Pran said while chuckling

"Sometimes...but right now I'm very serious," Pat said with a stern face they both laughed at that

"Oh finally you guys accepted your feelings for each other"The voice startled both of them They turn their heads to see both their parents and friends standing there grinning happily

"W-what are you guys doing here"Pran asked shocked as

Pat's parents and sister, pran parents, and their friends are standing there with a smirk. Pa is squealing around looking at them

"Oh Khai said you both seem to be in some heated fight so we came to check on you guys...but didn't expect a heartwarming bl drama here, "Pat's mom said while both pran and pat mom started to fangirl the moment they just saw

Pat: "How long are you guys here"

Wei: "We all were here when you started to go towards the rooftop"

Pran: "Who called you guys"

Drake: "Your parents thought it was something serious...so they asked us if you two are with us...and me being curious came here to check what is going on and found you both eating each other like a hungry wolf who got his prey"

"Then I don't need to keep our relationship a secret from you guys...I can freely flirt with my pran" Pat said while back-hugging pran who pushed him away

Pran: "You still have to make me confess my feelings towards you Mr.Pat"

Pat: "How can I forget that I will do anything to hear those three magical words from your mouth"

They both smirk at each other fist bumped into each other

Pran: "Deal"

Pat: "Deal"

__________________The end________________

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