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* That pic above is Esma.*
Also if you haven't read the stolen leader 1 then you won't get book two so if you haven't read part one then please go read it to understand this book.

Esma's Pov
I pulled out my gun and Cole was suddenly beside me and We were looking for the person who shot at me.
What if they missed on purpose? What if it was a warning?
After looking for what seemed like forever Cole and I decided to leave.
I dropped him at home and I sped to my new house. ( Akila's and Becky's old house which they gave to Esma)
Who the fuck shot at me?
What if it was one of Lucas gold's men? No. He's Obsessed with me,He wouldn't have Tried to hurt me.
I'm so fucking exausted. Both mentaly and Physically.
I text Victor. ( He's a old friend who fixes cars and Esma doesn't want to fix the window right now)
Esma-Come and Fix my window. Please.
Victor-K,And I'm surprised U said please,Normally U mean asf.
Esma-Fuck you.
Victor-Lol,U wish.
I roll my eyes and I go into the house after I park the car in the huge ass garage.
I try to Make up my mind If I go take a shower or Take a shot of Whiskey.I think part of me knows If I start drinking I won't stop.
No-I want to try to be better even though I'm not over his death.
I go to my walk-in closet and Pick out a pair of Ryder's Boxers and one of his white button up shirts I got him for his birthday.
I smell the shirt. It smells just like him-Like home.
Mint and soap,With a slight hint of weed if he was smoking.
I go to the bathroom and Run a hot bath and tear off my clothes and Go into the tub.
My tense Body relaxes and I go under the water for a minute.
It's quiet and Peaceful.
I'm under the water for what seems like forever and Then I change and go to bed.
I lay in bed slightly tired but very awake.
For what seems like forever I lay awake and then I finally drift off to sleep.
Esma's Dream-
It's a sunny summer day and Ryder,Adenzia and I are 14.
I lay in the grass and Adenzia disappeared somewhere and Ryder is sitting up with his eyes closed. Soaking up the sun.
" GUYS!" Adenzia shouts running over to us.
" What?" I ask, still trying to relax.
" What happened?" Ryder asks.
" Guys look what I found" She held up something black and I sat up and then I noticed what it was.
A gun
" Shit,Put that away" Ryder scolds her.
Adenzia rolls her eyes and throws it on the ground and puts her hands up " Happy?" She asks sarcastically.
Ryder grabs a bandanna out of his pocket and grabs the gun wiping her fingerprints away.
" You can't just be waving that shit round Zia" I say.
" i know but I found it by a dead guy"
" The hell? A dead Guy?" Ryder asks, not surprised.
It's the downs. People practically get shot or die everyday. Some of the girls in our freshman classes are pregnant, Some get gang banged to hang out with a gang.
But We just mind our business, those aren't our friends and those aren't our children or familia.
When I have Kids,They won't be living here.
" Cool right?" Adenzia asked.
Ryder and I shake our heads.
Adenzia was the brave and blunt one out of all of us. I was the crazy one who took shit from nobody and I would protect our family no matter what and Ryder was the calm,Smart one who was funny.
The perfect balance.
I take a drink out of the water bottle I filled up with Vodka.
My foster dad passed out drunk this afternoon.He wouldn't notice if took the rest of the bottle.
He would just think he drank it.
" You guys think We'll stay here forever?" Ryder suddenly asks.
" No" I say " We wouldn't, I know You guys are going to start street racing and I'll get a job doing retail or something and we'll manage to get out of here and we'll go to college"
" How do you know?" Adenzia asked me.
" Because I know how stubborn we all are and were hard workers"
Ryder nods " Yeah but I don't want you guys to worry about money. I'll make huge amounts of money for all of us and we'll survive off of that"
I smile. I knew he didn't want us to worry about money or anything but he can't stop us.
Ryder Lays down on the grass and I lay my head on his chest.
Adenzia takes a drink out of the water bottle and falls next to me.
" Os quiero, familia" I say
( I love you my family, Spanish)
Adenzia hugs me and Ryder leans down to kiss me.
" Yo también las amo, las dos locas" Ryder says to me and Adenzia.
( I love you too, Both of you crazy women,Spanish)
"Ragazzi che cazzo? Sapete tutti che ho bisogno di praticare il mio spagnolo" Adenzia says rolling her eyes.
(Guys what the fuck? Y'all know I need to practice my spanish,Italian)
Adenzia is Italian,Ryder Is cuban American and I'm Mexican and french.
Ryder and I have been trying to teach Adenzia Spanish just like she taught us Italian but They both refuse to learn French. They say it's too hard.
We just laugh and we hang out till the sun goes down and he has to go home.
End of Esma's dream.
I wake up with tears going down my face and I cry.
I miss Adenzia and I miss Ryder so fucking much.
Why couldn't I have just stayed with Zia?
I dried my tears and then I took a hot bath and I got ready.
I wore something warm because It was winter time.
And I drove to the Petrova residence,But I called Marco first.
" hello?" Marco answered
" Hey Marco I'm on my way to the petrova residence so tell somebody to let me in and don't tell Zia i'm on my way"
" Alright. And thank you"
" What for?" I ask.
" Coming to see Zia, She misses you like crazy"
' Don't thank me,Thank your brother"
" Cole? Why?" He asks confused
"Because he convinced me to see her. Because she's hurting too"
" Of course coel would do that " He chuckles.
" Have you told her?" I ask him referring to Adenzia
He sighs " No not yet, It will absolutely destroy her and to be honest I'm not over it yet. I'm just waiting until her mental health is good then I'll tell her"
" I'm so sorry. You guys didn't deserve that shit. I promise I will Kill lucas Gold"
" i know you will, That's the only reason why I ain't going to kill him, Because you deserve the kill even more than we do"
" We all deserve to kill him,Not just me" I say,
I pull up to the Petrova residence and somebody lets me in, and I park the car.
I stay in the car and take a few deep breaths.
Time to face Adenzia.
I leave the car and go inside.
A warm breeze hit me as I entered the house.
It smells so good here. It always smells just like a perfect comforting home.
I head to the kitchen because that's where I hear Adenzia's Voice.
I see her standing and leaning on the white marble counter and I see her talking to Sophi and Selena and I see Alessandro on his phone.
I go behind Adenzia and Wrap my arms around her gently pulling her into a hug.
She turns around and she sees me, Her jaw drops " Esma?"
Her voice cracked and she looked like she was going to cry of joy.
I nod and she wraps her arms around me tightly hugging me.
I hug her back and I inhale her scent. Coconuts. The scent I knew too well.
She pulled back and wiped her tears.
" Hey Esma, nice to see you princesa" Sophia says.
" Nice to see you guys too."
Alessandro looks up from his phone and runs to me hugging me.
" Hey fucker"
" Shut the hell up I missed your crazy ass" He mumbles.
Selena slides over the counter and hugs me too.
After they hugged me, Sophia decided to leave us alone and she took Selena and Alessandro.
" To be honest I was all over the place in New York, Taking jobs and trying to forget."
" I needed you" She says,
I nod my head slightly " I needed you too but I felt so fucking guily, that you would hate me and I was trying to get my head stright before I saw you again"
" I'm so fucking sorry" She apologizes while wiping her tears.
" For what?" I ask her.
" For calling ryder that night,If I hadn't then he still would be alive"
I feel a twitch of anger and I slap her across the face.
" Don't ever say that, Do you understand me? This isnt your fucking fault, for months I blamed myself But now i relise this isnt your fault nor is it mine. Its Lucas Gold's fault"
" Your right, It's his fault not mine, Not yours"
I smile and I kiss her forehead.
" Now come on i'm hungry as fuck" I say laughing and she does too.
It feels good to feel normal. It feels like Ryder's here with me.
Sophia makes us Chocolate con churros. Which was delicious and I spent the rest of the day With Zia until I had to go home.
Buzz Buzz
I answered my phone. It's Cold.
" Hey Cole, how are you?" I ask.
" I managed to get foodage about the person who tried to shoot you"

The stolen leader 2:Esma's Revenge Where stories live. Discover now