Heroes beginning

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My name is Izuku Midoryia, and I was born in a world full of amazing quirks, except 20% of the world doesn't have one, and I'm part of that 20%

I'm not letting that stop me, though! My mom is the head general surgeon  at the General Hospital, so she isn't home a lot. My dad walked out on us when I was diagnosed

Most people started bullying me for wanting to be a hero or for not having a quirk, but I've always had my two best friends with me!

kacchan and I have known each other since birth since our moms are childhood friends. He usually protects me from jerks who pick on me

And then there's Ochako, we met the day I was diagnosed, she had just moved in, and she and her family came over for a bit. The rest is history. I should probably mention that her father is the chief of Police and her mother died in a villain attack five years ago

3rd person pov

Ochako: You ready, Deku?

Izuku: Of course! Micorp is one of the biggest companies in quirk development!

Katsuki: Y'know, Deku, you've always been a nerd

The Trio laughed and continued to their field trip. When they got there, the group was greeted by a blonde girl around their age

Melissa: Hello! My name is Melissa Shield, and I'll be your tour guide for today

Izuku: Wait shield? Like David Shield, the world's top support engineer and scientist?

Melissa: That's the one! I'm surprised most people don't care that much since they are preoccupied with the heroes that use the items

Izuku: I know! And it's awful that your dad and other support gear engineers need more credit

Melissa began to blush a bit

Melissa: d-do you plan on making support items?

Izuku: Well... no, I mean, I did learn some stuff, but I plan to be a hero

Melissa: Then why waste time with support stuff?

Random student: because Deku is quirkless!

As everyone began to laugh, Katsuki spoke up

Katsuki: oi! Shut it! Even without a quirk, Deku has more potential than all of you extras!

Izuku: Thanks, kacchan

Melissa: That's okay. I'm quirkless, too! And I believe you can be a hero

Izuku: T-thanks

Ochako watched the interaction very closely and admittedly was feeling challenged by this girl

As they kept walking, they met with one of the head scientists, Dr. Connors

Connors: Now, can anyone tell me what our biggest goal at Micorp is?

The entire class stayed silent and right before Connors answered he heard

Izuku: quirk development and research and how that can benefit the medical field

Connors: Do you have an example?

Izuku: Well... some people born with mutation quirks are invulnerable to certain diseases, and we could use that and get mortality rates lower than ever. And it's not just the fatal ones, there's a quirk I believe first found in the Bahamas allowing a man to recreate cells that he needed in his body, if everyone could do that genetic disease would be a thing of the past, for example Parkinsons, alzheimers, dementia, and even some types of cancer

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