Chapter 53 - Crisps and beer

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They had to let go of each other's hands to exit the taxi.

Tae paid and the driver took off.

And now they stood there awkwardly, not knowing if they should acknowledge what just happened, or just act as if it was nothing.

"Ehrm... There's a night-open store just down that street." Tae said, gesturing vaguely to the left.

"I know that, Tae... We used to go there quite often..." Jungkook said, scraping his foot absentmindedly back and forth on the ground while looking down.

Tae blushed.

Of course he knew Jungkook knew. That was where they always went to buy beer, soda and snacks after a night out, if they decided to hang out at Tae's place.

"Yeah... right... I know... but anyway... so... since I just came back here, I've got absolutely nothing to eat or drink at home..."

"Okay let's go then." Jungkook said.

He pulled himself together, put his hands in his pockets, gave Tae a look and started to walk in the direction of the shop, Tae quickly coming along to walk by his side.

In a way Jungkook wanted nothing more than to take Tae's hand.

But he couldn't. He couldn't walk down the street at night, holding a man's hand. It was scary enough to just walk one block this time of night, but he'd do it now for Tae's sake.

Jungkook walked close to Tae, but not suspiciously close.

While they walked, Tae glanced at him, at the way he hid his hands, and wasn't sure how to interpret it.

You wanted me to hold your hand in the taxi... didn't you, Koo? Why did you do that, what did it mean?

Tae was still a bit confused about what happened at the restaurant. Still, he wasn't sad about it. Somehow, with some inexplicable help from above and from that Jin-guy, instead of being there with Namjoon, he was now here with Jungkook.

And it was exactly where he wanted to be, exactly where he should be.

It felt so right, but despite that, his heart was racing from nervousness.

I've missed you so much, Koo, I really really don't want to fuck this up now... I always fuck it up...

"So, do you want this beer and those sour cream crisps, same as usual?" Jungkook asked with a wink.

They were in the store now and Tae was interrupted in his thoughts by Jungkook hitting his shoulder.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at Tae and gave him one of his cute smiles.

Tae felt warm from Jungkook remembering his favourite snack and beer. He smiled a hesitant smile back and nodded.

"Actually, I didn't buy them a lot lately... not since... I guess the last time was when you were here..." Tae said.

"Really? Why's that? They are your favourites, right?" Jungkook said.

"Yeah... but I couldn't... because... I guess... well... they sort of... reminded me too much of you..." Tae said, blushing a bit.

Jungkook felt a whole summer field full of butterflies fluttering in his stomach when Tae said those words. Tae was looking down and Jungkook just stared at him with his mouth half open.

The way it used to be - Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now