C2: Trail of Light

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"No matter what, do not trust any figures you encounter while you sleep."

                     Those words of warning echoed all around Cabby as the doors circled her, desperately covering her ears to no avail. They echoed louder and louder.

Something bumped into her, making her look up warily. It was the periwinkle door again, noticeably missing a handle. It was opened a bit.

                        Cabby didn't hesitate to enter, just wanting to be away from the noise, and when she did step in, it was quieter. Sighing in relief, Cabby glanced at her surroundings.

                           It was just an open field, with a gorgeous night sky, almost looking like a piece from a museum. As she continued forward, she could hear strange ambient sounds.

                           They almost sounded like music, even if there was no rhythm to it. It was peaceful. This took Cabby a moment to realize, and she finally let her guard down.

                            In the distance, there was a cave of some sort, catching her interest. Cabby squinted, spotting little orbs of light shimmering inside.

                              Curiously, she started to wonder over to the opening of the cave. In that moment, what Candle had told her completely slipped her mind.

                              "Hello...?" She called out. There was no response. Cabby entered the cave, eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. The lights were barely shining now.

                             But as she inched forward, they were suddenly bright again, lights rising from the floor. She looked down, discovering strangely colored moss.

                             "The lights are spores." She gasped in realization, brushing her hand against the moss. It let out another burst of glowing spores, making her smile.

                               It was such a beautiful sight, she just wished someone was here to experience it with her. After she messed with the moss for a bit, Cabby turned to leave.

                                However, a faint pink glow had caught her eye, coming from behind a few rocks. Cabby approached it, glancing over the rocks hesitantly.

                                  There was an egg...a stone? She wasn't sure. It was dark red violet, with a pink and orange spiral in the middle. Moss from the cave was covering its top as well.

                                    It faintly glowed, fading in and out. Almost as if it were breathing. Cabby stared at the thing, not able to think clearly. Of course, her curiosity overtook her.

                                     Cabby gently placed her hand on it, noticing how warm and smooth it was. She ran her fingers through the grooves of the spiral, finding it was a porous texture.

                                     She lifted it up, cradling it in her arms. It was rather heavy, much like a rock or brick. So perhaps it was some sort of odd rock?

                                    As she inspected it, Cabby could hear an alarm going off, making her vision fade to white.



                       Cabby groaned, rubbing her eyes with one hand before using it to hit the snooze button. She turned over on her side, hugging her hard pillow close to her chest.

                          Her eyes snapped open. Pillows should not be hard. Cabby quickly sat up, avoiding looking down at her arms. She was mentally kicking herself for forgetting Candle's advice.

                             Of course, she technically didn't talk to anyone in her dream. All she did was bring back a rock. It wasn't that serious, was it?

                              A small hand touched Cabby's cheek, scaring her out of her thoughts. She froze.

What was that?

                                Taking a deep breath, Cabby mustered up the courage to finally look down, feeling her heart stop as she stared at the "rock" she had brought back.

                                  It had limbs and eyes, and was staring up at her curiously. They stared at each other for a while, before Cabby was startled by a knock at her door.

                                   "Rise and shine Cabby!" OJ called. "Just making sure you get some breakfast, so don't forget to eat today." She glanced at her rock, then back at the door.

                                      "Of course! I'll be down in a bit!" She replied, trying sound natural, and not like she was holding some sort of dream beast in her arms after Candle had specifically told her to be careful in her dreams.

                                Cabby heard OJ leaving, sighing in relief as she stared down at the thing in her arms. It blinked at her, making a booping noise and huddling close to her.

"Oh dear god, what have I done—"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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