chapter 9 - hot and cold,

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chapter summary: Thinking very hard about toast.
Hot drinks always seem to solve something and bring more to the air than steam.
The ache of hunger, but for something more bitter and deliciously malicious than food.
ayo who invited mr jeffries
word count: 3837

Painting the room a warm, summery gold, tinting the walls a watercolour yellow, the sun, risen several hours ago, trickled in through the cracks of the curtains, bars of it cast in slices onto two peacefully sleeping forms.

Robyn was the first to wake, a tyically light sleeper, who, that morning, had unusually managed to sleep through an awful lot. A creak of a floorboard could send her darting into a crouched position, hunched and poised for attack, emitting a defensive snarl, but the Kafe was politely populated for a Friday morning (bordering on afternoon, which they were entirely, blissfully oblivious to), and she had slept through every loudly announced order and ringing of the bell at the entrance. Nothing in particular had woken her up, which was what made it all the more peaceful, as she took plenty of time surfacing from her slumber, eyelashes fluttering open gently, like resting butterflies.

Through a squinted gaze, the sight she was inmediately faced with almost made her yelp and scramble away; Katrina, so close she could feel her soft breath tickling her cheek, so close that if she titled her head slightly, their noses would be touching, forming a bridge between them, and for a moment, it was terrifying. It was a sight that only populated what she had previously considered nightmares.

Her memory of the night before rushed back to her before she could instinctively flinch away, perhaps saving her from what would've been a far from graceful movement that was sure to wake Katrina up. Nonetheless, the night before, a memory now forever carved into her brain with the sharpest of knives, felt so dream-like that it was hard to believe to be real, but the present felt exactly the same. Like a dream.

Only she had just woken up. And it was all real and Katrina was so close, oh, she could hardly believe it and it made her stomach dance a happy little flip-flopping  jig, tinged with nerves, but the excited kind of nerves that bubbled from her chest and popped like bubble wrap all the way to her extremities and back again.

Second to arrive was the pain in her arm, a memory not quite so pleasant to be given back. It prickled up the side of her like thorned vines snaking up her limb; luckily the sweet, petal-soft reminder of the good that had come from an initially terrible situation made it feel more bearable, a rose blooming from thorns.

She was so distant from herself and deep within everything about Katrina in front of her and the sheer surrealism of it all, that she didn't hear the footsteps, or a gentle knock on the bedroom door, or the second knock, but the creak of it opening yanked her out of her tangent of thoughts so vehemently that she gasped loudly.

"I just came to-" Jana started, but her eyes fell upon Robyn and Katrina, a pair of brackets curved towards each other, holding so much emotion between them that it overflowed, lying parallel like a pair of knitting needles, together knitting something new and yearnful, right in front of her, in Katrina's bed.  An uncontrollable grin overtaking her face, Jana slapped a hand to her mouth, failing to hide it in the slightest. "I see you two have... made up..." she said quietly, with an audible smirk, noticing Katrina seemed to still be asleep.

"I- yes, you could say that, I guess." Robyn replied, rolling her eyes, though in too much of a good mood to inject even a little of the malice she would have otherwise intended.

"I'm so glad!" she practically squealed, the Welsh lilt to her voice seemingly amplified with excitement, and Robyn could've sworn she spotted her hopping from foot to foot as she peered up at her from under the covers.

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