Chapter 10: Councils, Decisions, Intimate Activities

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The next day was a blur. It was all activity, all chaos. People were knocking on my door, giving me advice, trying to reassure me and vaguely threatening me. The threatening mostly came from Vaughn, which wasn't surprising.

She came in to help get me ready. She helped me unwrinkle the one dress uniform I had and did my hair. Then she looked me up and down. "I wish you had different shoes, but the boots will have to do."

I was wearing a black BTS dress jacket with a crisp grey short sleeved collared shirt underneath, with a belt pulling the coat in at the waist. The pants were a dark grey pair of something like dress slacks, but made of denser material. The whole look said "dressed up, but ready for a medical emergency in case one happens". I also had a tie on, which I absolutely loathed. Especially since it was a clip on. It felt cheap.

And, of course, the standard issue black combat boots. Of which I had two pairs, and no other shoes. I hadn't exactly thought about fancy footwear when I was boarding the Dauntless.

Vaughn stepped back and gave me another once over. "You look good." She said. "Very professional. Very put together. Almost regal. It's a good look for you."

I smoothed a hand over the tight braid Vaughn had put my hair into. "Thanks."

"Don't mess with your hair, it's perfect. Don't screw it up." Vaughn huffed.

I held up my hands. "I won't, I won't." Then I cleared my throat. "So what now?"

"Now we head down to the disembarking area and, well, disembark." Vaughn told me. "We'll travel to the Council chambers by vehicle and wait for them to be ready for us."

"Great." I muttered, trying to swallow back my anxiety.

"Khasee, look at me—" Vaughn commanded.

I did.

She looked me dead in the eyes. "You'll be fine."

I took a deep breath. "I hope so."


We all got onto a vehicle that looked like a bus, but more sleek than a human bus. I caught a glimpse of whatever city we were in as we walked out of the spaceport and onto the bus. It was beautiful. A mix of modern and rural, that seemed to beautifully blend with the surrounding countryside and the rolling hills. It was as if the city was built to respectfully comply with the natural lay of the land.

I didn't speak the whole way. I was sitting between Palatino and Vaughn. Thrak was across from me, as was Admiral Jenkins. Argyn was up front, sitting right behind the driver, apparently catching up with him.

Palatino's private security were lurking somewhere behind us.

"This is the capital city of Nradan. It is called Aral." Thrak spoke up, remembering he was with a bunch of humans who had never been to this planet before.

I met Thrak's gaze. His eyes were soft and reassuring. The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile at me. I gave him as much of a smile as I could muster. He then frowned slightly and looked as though he wanted to say something, but realized it probably should not be said in present company.

I looked away and down at the floor, and there I stared for the rest of the ride. I didn't want to to look at the city. This was where Xel had spent most of his time, and I was struggling with some difficult feelings.

Just when you think you've grieved a loss, something comes up to make you realize you haven't done all your grieving.

The bus lurched to a halt and everyone started to stand up. I did too. Slowly.

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